Let the sliding begin

I thought we were referring to the last 50 years or so....
since we've become more "civilized", but are turning back in the other direction now. :alienhuh:
chcr said:
Sam makes the important point about polygamy. Why the hell would I want to be twice as pissed off all the time? :lloyd:

Re the whole homosexual thing, why the heck does anyone at all who's not homosexual care? There not like souther baptists and jehovah's witnesses. They don't come to your house trying to convert you. :lol:

No, apparently they do en mass :eek6:
ekahs retsam said:
BoP has every right to state her opinion and derives the same authority to draw the line where she wishes that you do. If you deny her the right to do so you deny yourself the same right.

There. Right there. That's it. Over 3 years we've had discussions, fights, debates, flame-wars, etc in the Real World forum & for over three years we've had people (typically the left leaning members) come up with variation of what mean spirited vermin some of us are because we disagree with YOUR ideology but when you disagrgee with ours, we're mean spirited vermin.

The entire point of this forum is to express opinions. Not to hold hands & play dress up. Prof & BoP were doing quite well in an exchange of ideas. Prof in no way stated BoP was an ignorant slut & should stfu because he knows better. Nor did BoP suggest Prof was a mean spirited vermin & should take his head out of the sand.

I know this particular post is way old at this point but by god, it gets old to hear how we should all accept others views...as lon gas they;re not conservative views.
chcr said:
Hmm... The polygamy discussion has been argued for thousands of years but now it's the queer's fault. Have I got that right?
Yep Yep, them fuckin queers were out fuckin the dog the other night. :rolleyes:

Jesus Christ, slippery slope? How about the trampoline you guys are using to jump to conclusions?
Now, back to the story...

chic...several of us brought this up in the several gay marriage threads and, as we pointed out there, that would be used as a springboard for other (or more) "personal decisions".

BoP says consenting adults is her limit. Cool...I could live with that except...who are you to judge? Who makes up these random rules? They are not inclusive & seem quite arbitrary & unfair to those who have alternative lifestyles.

That sounds ridiculous doesn't it? It's the same argument used by every previous group. Once the gate is open, there is no closing it. Society needs rules otherwise it's anarchy. As those rules get set aside we lose a piece of what made us what we are.

50 years ago, this wouldn't have been a possibility. In 50 years we're gonna think that NAMBLA is similar to NOW or GLAAD.
But gonz, there's already a precedent for polygamy/andry. You can track through pre-history and historical settings to find examples of this. The fact of the matter is that societal norms have always shifted and changed. It's not like the gates suddenly open and there's this new shit happening with people pushing for multiple husbands/wives. Homosexuality was openly accepted in the greek gymnasiums, and let's not even open the can of worms that were the roman orgies. Many pacific societies pre-christianity were either matriarchal or polygamous/polyandrous. Not to mention some african societies.
BeardofPants said:
But gonz, there's already a precedent for polygamy/andry. You can track through pre-history and historical settings to find examples of this. The fact of the matter is that societal norms have always shifted and changed. It's not like the gates suddenly open and there's this new shit happening with people pushing for multiple husbands/wives. Homosexuality was openly accepted in the greek gymnasiums, and let's not even open the can of worms that were the roman orgies. Many pacific societies pre-christianity were either matriarchal or polygamous/polyandrous. Not to mention some african societies.

Hate to say this, but that's modern feminist thought. Since most pacific societies, pre-christianity, were not around long enough to be called societies. Seems those matriarchal 'societies' usually consisted of one, or two, villages which were encompassed and destroyed by the societies around them within 2 generations. Peace is a nice ideal, but, unless you've got the strength to keep the 'wolves' at bay, it ain't gonna happen.
Yeah why have ANY lines
do WTF ever ya want
no consequences
and if there are any blame someone else

Yeah let us take our direction from the Lady
that professes never to marry nor procreate!
Dr. Peter Venkman: This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions!
Mayor: What do you mean "biblical"?
Dr. Raymond Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor. Real wrath of God type stuff! Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness, earthquakes, and volcanos!
Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave!
Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifices, dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!
Gonz said:
chic...several of us brought this up in the several gay marriage threads and, as we pointed out there, that would be used as a springboard for other (or more) "personal decisions".

BoP says consenting adults is her limit. Cool...I could live with that except...who are you to judge? Who makes up these random rules? They are not inclusive & seem quite arbitrary & unfair to those who have alternative lifestyles.

That sounds ridiculous doesn't it? It's the same argument used by every previous group. Once the gate is open, there is no closing it. Society needs rules otherwise it's anarchy. As those rules get set aside we lose a piece of what made us what we are.

50 years ago, this wouldn't have been a possibility. In 50 years we're gonna think that NAMBLA is similar to NOW or GLAAD.
Interestingly, this isn't a thread abourt gay marriage, it's a thread about polygamy. I was simply trying to point out that blaming a group of people (homosexuals) that have existed since before history and will exist until the end of time for a completely unrelated situation (polygamy) that has existed since before history and will exist until the end of time is beyond ridiculous. I didn't think in this case that the sarcasm tags were necessary. I see now my error in judgement.
BeardofPants said:
But gonz, there's already a precedent for polygamy/andry.

Not in the USA. It has been outlawed. When discovered, these folks are prosecuted. They were driven out of society.

BeardofPants said:
Homosexuality was openly accepted in the greek gymnasiums,
Where are they now?
BeardofPants said:
and let's not even open the can of worms that were the roman orgies.
Where are they now?
BeardofPants said:
Many pacific societies pre-christianity were either matriarchal or polygamous/polyandrous. Not to mention some african societies.
Where are they now?

Power brokers & world powers they were until these things became norm. Hedonism, in any form, is ultimately a bad thing.

These matriarchal societies...what did they do to further mankind, as a whole?

chcr said:
I didn't think in this case that the sarcasm tags were necessary
Sarcasm, like any form of humor must contain truth to be funny. Just following the train of thought.
Gato_Solo said:
My bad. I thought you meant pacific, as in peaceful. Not pacific as in ocean. :blush: On an island, it would be easier. No real 'competition'.
Oh. Whoops. :lol2:
In any case gato, there are certainly arguments against pacific matriarchy: eg, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Myth_of_Matriarchal_Prehistory, but it's generally accepted that the matriarch's were the dominant cos there is still evidence of that today - See?;)

<edit> Actually gato, competition would likely have been more intense due to limited resources. I guess this was probably also the push for pacific navigation.
yeah git offa her back (flip her over instead)
after all she don't spake engrish as her first language!?!
Gonz said:
Not in the USA. It has been outlawed. When discovered, these folks are prosecuted. They were driven out of society.

BeardofPants said:
The fact of the matter is that societal norms have always shifted and changed.

gonz said:
Where are they now?

BeardofPants said:
The fact of the matter is that societal norms have always shifted and changed.

gonz said:
Where are they now?

BeardofPants said:
The fact of the matter is that societal norms have always shifted and changed.

gonz said:
Where are they now?

BeardofPants said:
The fact of the matter is that societal norms have always shifted and changed.

gonz said:
These matriarchal societies...what did they do to further mankind, as a whole?

Some of the best ocean navigators ever. You ever wonder how they voyaged to New Zealand? Pretty fucking amazing if you ask me.

Other contributions - the Semisis :rofl:
Yeah butt (plug) have right and wrong changed over the same time?

Yep some would argue it has, I would contend that regardless of societal norms

whut is right and whut is wrong is WRONG!!!

Butt (plug) if ya don't no the difference then you're
inna position to argue over what is right and wrong ain't cha?

Did ja know butt (plugs) are wrong???

Wrong, I tell ya, just so wrong!
That's it.
/me lugs off winky, shoves him inna box and sits on him
And if'ns ye don't shuddap, I'm gonna give you a pineapple butt plug.