Letterman Sex Scandal

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You forgot Glenn Beck.

You liked that joke? Cool, I thought it represented Beck logic pretty well too.

You consistently have nothing but crap and swear its is the only acceptable facts.

No, I bring facts while you make up shit.

Truth is you are an anti-American. You represent and promote shit that patriotic Americans do not want.

As proven time and again I promote things that most patriotic Americans do want. Like the public option. You, being anti-American ilk, support lobbyists and want them to hijack our country. You want to take +200 years of sacrifice, hard work and tradition and convert it into a fucked up fascist nation like Nazi Germany.

Glenn Beck is not a rapist, but you promote the lie that he is.

Prove to me that Beck is not a rapist. You see how Beck logic works? ;)

It was pretty funny to use his own logic against him.

You have so little, you always fall back on playing the victim. ....poor wittle fella.

How is asking questions in Beck's possible involvement with the rape of some girl in 1990 playing the victim? You are being irrational again and making up shit.
Ahhhh, so now I want to re-create and live in a fascist nation like Nazi Germany?

Oh you are so empty it has come to this. lolololol

How is asking questions in Beck's possible involvement with the rape of some girl in 1990 playing the victim? You are being irrational again and making up shit.
bawww poor little guy! :pouty lip:

No, you clearly stated that he is rapist, that he likes rape. See, you twist and turn everything, like most people want the democrats garbage. Its a lie, they do not want it.

You're a hack-job, a tool, trolling for support by lying and promoting "acceptable truths".

You never did answer my question. Have you ever been involved with Scientology, any test or courses?
Citizen Commission on Human Rights, Youth For Human Rights.

Its all over LosAngeles, like a plague.
a fucked up fascist nation like Nazi Germany.

I am so sick of heqaring this.

Fascism, and especially naziism, is almost as far left as communism.

Facism is a centralized power state. So is the left. So are many Republicans. However, Americans of a conservtive nature are opposed to a strong central gov't. Power shouild start in your living rom & lessen as it goes up.

Nazi is slang for National Socialist party.
Ahhhh, so now I want to re-create and live in a fascist nation like Nazi Germany?

As valid as your Venezuela claim.

No, you clearly stated that he is rapist, that he likes rape.

Using Beck's logic against him. Pretty fun.

You're a hack-job, a tool, trolling for support by lying and promoting "acceptable truths".

No, you're a troll. You have no rational sense and can only make shit up, lie, and name call. You have no ability to use logic or rational arguments and have to resort to childishness over and over. It's fun to see how fast you devolve.

You never did answer my question. Have you ever been involved with Scientology, any test or courses?

I clearly did answer that question with a "No". However you never answered if you were a white supremacist.
Yeah, Gonz was wrong.

Speaking of Gonz. He never answered the question "Where the fuck did you pull that from. Nobody said that."
Most often described by whom? Whether one person is wrong or a whole bunch makes no difference.

If you can't figure out "who said that" you need to pay more attention.
Hitler played the religious game, much like Scientology does. The fact of the matter is... once power is gained and the true colors are shown -- Both the Nazi and Scientology are far left, like your ilk dreams of.

It's like the Obamanation we having now, bait and switch. Few of us realized where Obama would take this country. Even I had some support for Obama, here on these forums I stated it. I watched him take the oath and I accepted him as my President. At that moment I was proud and willing to work with him as my President and hoped it would lead to a better nation.

Since then I, like most American, have discovered that Obama is a threat to our nation. He lied with 'acceptable truths' and worse. He is has created divide and is leading us into some other form of nation. One that 'We The People' do not want.
Hitler played the religious game, much like Scientology does. The fact of the matter is... once power is gained and the true colors are shown -- Both the Nazi and Scientology are far left, like your ilk dreams of.

No, the Nazi are far right as I've shown. Bush and Rumsfeld played the religious game.

Since then I, like most American, have discovered that Obama is a threat to our nation.

See, you're making shit up again. However it is true that most of America discovered that Bush was bad for our country. Clearly now many more American's (We the People) are happier with the direction our country is headed as the polls show. Bush created a big divide.
No, the Nazi are far right as I've shown. Bush and Rumsfeld played the religious game.

Did you even complete high school. The National Scoailst Party, the Nazi party was leftist. The more you know about it the more undeniable it becomes. I know, you were educated by the internet,

See, you're making shit up again. However it is true that most of America discovered that Bush was bad for our country. Clearly now many more American's (We the People) are happier with the direction our country is headed as the polls show. Bush created a big divide.

I'll give you that Bush didn't do so well as time went on. You don't have any better grasp of the real America than Dan Rather does.

Obama is leading us to war, a civil war.
And everyone continues to dance as they've been trained, oblivious to the fact that .... lib-con ... there's no diff. They espouse the highest moral, in their opinion, but crave the lowest.
And everyone continues to dance as they've been trained, oblivious to the fact that .... lib-con ... there's no diff. They espouse the highest moral, in their opinion, but crave the lowest.

Witty and catchy! Sorry to insult your intelligence. What do you suggest we (I) do to encourage civil, honest debate?
Did you even complete high school.

See there, you're completely incapable of having a discussion without trolling. Troll, troll, troll. Like a child throwing a constant temper tantrum.

The National Scoailst Party, the Nazi party was leftist. The more you know about it the more undeniable it becomes.

The more you know the more it becomes obvious that you are wrong. You just like to scream "I say it's this way cause I want it to be this way". And yet it's not.

""The term far right is most often used to describe nationalist, religious extremist and reactionary groups as well as fascism and Nazism."

trolling child said:
I know, you were educated by the internet,

Troll, troll, troll.

trolling child said:
You don't have any better grasp of the real America than Dan Rather does.

More empty trolling.

Obama is leading us to war, a civil war.

Making shit up again.

There is hardly any substance to any of your posts. A lot of trolling and made up shit though.

I thought conservative wanted a strong Nat'l military and not much else. I thought conservatives wanted freedom from national gov't control over our lives, like in the COTUS.

As by comparison the left wants nationalized everything, unions and a socialist type of nation. A place where federal laws and bureaucratic programs force an equalization and fairness within a limited narrow zone of "freedom".

Gosh how could I get so confused when wiki has all the answers.


Another fine liberal-american.
Shouldn't he be banging a bong, getting it on

Lib/Con....huge gulf

Democrat/Republican...not so much
I thought conservative wanted a strong Nat'l military and not much else. I thought conservatives wanted freedom from national gov't control over our lives, like in the COTUS.

If you voted for Bush that's not what you wanted.


Another fine conservative.
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