Liberals Hate Palin Because She’s Beautiful


Well-Known Member
Liberals have never liked former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. They don’t like that she didn’t go to an Ivy League school, that she doesn’t follow the usual protocol of not speaking until a liberal says it’s okay to do so, and that she chose to carry her Down Syndrome baby to term instead of aborting it. (That last one really drives them crazy.)

They dislike her political support for smaller government, tax cuts, and a strong military. They are outraged by her ongoing push for drilling in ANWR, her participation in hunting sports, and the fact that she’s a card-carrying, Life Member of the NRA.

But all these reasons are trumped by the fact that they despise her beauty. It pushes them over the edge to know that she doesn’t just shoot an assault rifle, but makes an assault rifle look good when shooting it.

LOL! Yeah..that's it...her looks anger us...much like Obama's 'look' drive right-wing Cons up the wall.
I like Palin's policies...mostly, and her looks.
It's her voice that kinda gets me.
Kinda like scratching on a chalkboard.

I think she's doing good atm with the touring, and backing of certain candidates.
I'm sure her family is liking the break from the cameras a little better.
LOL! Yeah..that's it...her looks anger us...much like Obama's 'look' drive right-wing Cons up the wall.
Wow, you're really stuck on the racist mind set aren't you? How sad is that!

Couldn't have anything to do with Obama being the worst President ever!

MILF fer'shure.
i don't find her remotely attractive. but, really, who cares? it would be nice to get a real problem-solver rather than an attractive-to-some slogan-spewer as a candidate...
I have heard one of her Tea Party speeches. To me, she is all fluff. Ron Paul is who we need, not Sarah Palin.
I have heard one of her Tea Party speeches. To me, she is all fluff.

on that we can agree.

i can get down with paul on a lot of things but his trust of the moral guidance of mysterious hand of the market is vastly unrealistic. he's obviously never seen corporate decision making and risk management in action. we simply can't go as unregulated as he thinks, as nice as it sounds.
Sometimes I think Palin looks good, but them I remember that it's just Tina Fey doing the spoof debates that I was thinking about, and that the real Palin is kinda ugly and has the most annoying voice ever.
Smart like a trained ape. No handlers and she's toast. She strays off the written text and begins making no sense whatsoever.
Why do you think she's being "handled" these days? She was "handled" when she was in the '08 campaign.
but, really, who cares? it would be nice to get a real problem-solver
rather than an attractive-to-some slogan-spewer as a candidate...

You mean Osama, right?

Why do you think she's being "handled" these days? She was "handled" when she was in the '08 campaign.

Oh, I think that she's got writers trying to mold her speeches, so that she doesn't keep using the same ones over and over again..with a different city name slapped on. For the rest, she tends to avoid the questions and the press. No Q&A after speeches, no interviews..and as a Fox commentator, she doesn't have to face questions from the viewers.
There are plenty of videos of her unscripted Q&A sessions.... some of which have been lampooned.

I don't know that she does that in every speaking event though.

Besides, are you saying she should have a *gasp ..teleprompter, every time she speaks?
Nah, she believes what she says, which is why she can say it, without the TotUS.