Like Uh, lil' n weird.

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ClaireBear said:
I don't think such a reaction would be an option for all members here...

Sadly you are quite mistaken. If someone has followed you to your own site & sent harassing or threatening emails (or similar) and you have proof of their IP & it jives with our gets done.
Gonz said:
Sadly you are quite mistaken. If someone has followed you to your own site & sent harassing or threatening emails (or similar) and you have proof of their IP & it jives with our gets done.


Oh good! :swing:

*CB feels warm and snuggly with that knowledge*

Just making sure there's no cliquey bias going on here...
Actually CB, RM is a fairly new member here, just since Jan of this year. This isn't really a case of bias, I am fairly certain I know who was banned and he was edging very close to that call anyway. Personal safety and privacy is taken very seriously.

On another note. RM - your site is in your profile. It's not like the guy had to track you down. If your privacy is that important to you I'd suggest removing the link. JMHO.
Thanks for the input and support on this on behalf of me and my wife. She was pleased to see what was written this morning.

I get blasted plenty as it is on the forum (prolly deservedly so . . :) ), and thats fine I have a thick skin. I've had a number of nasty PM's and some very well stated criticism, and I do take some of that to heart and discard others. I have found here at OTC that in general; even those that have disagreed with me on several topics are still able to be civil and even quite friendly and playful in other threads.

This person chose to not confont me directly and discuss or simply state the issue or comments reguarding me. Rather then to PM me and qualify their statements, the person instead chose a route that *might make them anonymous so they could hide and made hate-filled statements designed to hurt others not involved. That to me shows a lack of good judgement, poor ethos, and childish behavior. Since they chose to attack children, (repeat) children, and my uninvolved wife, I'd say its as low as one can go. This person has quickly dispayed their willingness to go to extreme lengths to lash-out at me and I would guess anyone else that that peeved this person, this is sociopathic.

So again thank you for the support you have shown. . .

ClaireBear said:
Correct... within the boundaries and context of said forum not when events take place outside of it... if such language were used in a PM or thread then fine.
I ask you, what is the common thread between the parties? (besides being the planet in general Bish)

So Clair, it would be Ok for me to take the many clues that you have on the forums, track you down and call your employer, or your boyfriend for the sole purpose of hurting you and those close to you. That would be OK with you since the call would be made from a phone and not on the forum?
paul_valaru said:
I don' know who was banned, like you I don't want to know, but I think that if anyone did that here they would receive the same treatment, from newbies to people who have been here for a number of years, certain actions jsut can't be tolerated.
lets just not stir more shit. - Leslie
PuterTutor said:
Actually CB, RM is a fairly new member here, just since Jan of this year. This isn't really a case of bias, I am fairly certain I know who was banned and he was edging very close to that call anyway. Personal safety and privacy is taken very seriously.

On another note. RM - your site is in your profile. It's not like the guy had to track you down. If your privacy is that important to you I'd suggest removing the link. JMHO.
Thanks Pute, I don't really have a problem with shareing my family with the world, in fact for me its theraputic. My family is scattered thru-out the states and 6-countries and its a way for them to see who we are today. Not to metion that I like for people, like here in the forums, to beable to make refernce as to who RM is. I know I have visited many of the home pages of the members of this forum - isn't that one of things we all do here, share who we are?

the issue is not so much the privacy, its about the sociopathic methodology that this individual used. I would say your guess is right as to who it was, there is really no hiding it. There are tools here on the forums designed to make communication to one another and that is what they are for. This person has shown the methodology they use to deal with situations that seem to large to them thus resort to underhanded and sneeky methods.

ClaireBear said:
The guy has a "Come and have a look at my family's dirty laundry!" site...

He's asking for trouble...

He may as well swing by the local internet cafe on the way home from work and invite the resident paedophile home for a beer... while his kids run around the lounge naked!!!!!
There is no "dirty laundry" being shown, in fact prolly one of the most disfunctional aspects of my family would be the actual dirty laundry! We are very simple people, we choose for it to be that way.

I dont drink booze nor do I frequent establishments known for downloading pr0n or other seedy places.

We have had one parent at home for the rearing of each newborn/toddler, this time it was my turn to be home. I still pay for full-time daycare beacuse I never know when I will need it, I use it ~4-6/wk when I have to. I prefer to have my children at home together with family. It a choice, they are our life. We have given up very paying incomes more than once for our children, the chice was not hard.

As far preditors go; I live a safe place, I have one camera in the front yard, one in the far back yard on the garage, both record to hard drive for 52 hours loops. I have a monitored security system a big barking protective working dog (herds the children) and I have offensive resources if need be. And the children have been trained and tested on how to deal with abductions. I know all that is no fail-safe, but I have confidence in the measures I have taken.

Not to mention, my kids are very aware and well behaved, they work as a team. no one ever gets left alone when they are outside.
Well, I think I can guess who the "oddball" was, and let me just state that not all oddballs are liberals... er, I mean, not all liberals are oddballs. Unconscionable that he/she would stalk someone's personal site/family... and cowardly. I hope your wife is okay, RM. :) I'd feel pretty shit after an attack like that as well. Some people have no balls, or class! :mad:
Ah, so my suspicion of who left that message was right. Same guy who I think tried to leave me bad karma (but didn't have karma-giving powers so I got a gray dot). After RM posted that he had gotten that message, I started watching my e-mail, blog, etc. very closely because I ripped pretty much every argument he had to shreads. I think the only reason I didn't get anything posted to any of my sites is because I haven't had an open guestbook in over 6 years (posting comments to my blog requires the poster to have a blogger account of their own).
MrBishop said:

you know what? fuck that shit with the :alienhuh:

We try and get rid of the guy for RM's potential safety, but just go fucking ahead and rile him up some more. Give'er. Bring up his name and start making it personal with him.

fer fuck's sake.

Leslie said it so it obviously MUST BE corrupt and have umpteen ulterior motives associated and it has everything to do with everything she's said for the last 40 years. Goddamn people I tellya.
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