Well-Known Member
Inkara1 said:You know, I've always wondered... why do you end it with "ur"?
Because it's not in the dictionary. Helps reduce dictionary-generated spam.
Inkara1 said:You know, I've always wondered... why do you end it with "ur"?
woodman19_99 said:I've never done this in a class before, but...
I am interested in both sides of this one. I know what I was taught, but since SnP feels so strongly on this one, I guess I need to try and see his side as well...
SouthernN'Proud said:I know what you were taught too. It was a pack of lies.
I'll suggest some reading if you like. PM me and I'll be happy to provide some excellent sources.
woodman19_99 said:PM Sent. As tonksy said, people don't want to believe they have been lied to. I hate being lied to...
Professur said:I can see the next BBQ is gonna be an whole new order of fun.
me said:Remember, y'all, I didn't start this one.
SouthernN'Proud said:I hereby promise that no yankees will be harmed* in the production of the BBQ.
Professur said:Offended, insulted, driven to violence, driven from the property, driven insane .... but not harmed*
Why does that apply only to a battle flag? One that never represented one notion either way about slavery? Because it fits your myth? Irrelevent. I know how hard it is for yankees to hear that their opinion isn't the driving force behind anything, but swallow it and get over it. Historically documented fact is not on your side here. Then, when did that ever stop any of you?
SouthernN'Proud said:Both are correct. Inky's is the more recognizable, but both were official Confederate National Flags.
paul_valaru said:I wrote this thread with sincerity thinking the idea what stupid,
you dare me to come say it to your face?
anytime muffin.
da boss said:I know this is a hot spot for both sides, but lets keep it calm and directed at the topic and not the posters.
Professur said:Offended, insulted, driven to violence, driven from the property, driven insane .... but not harmed*
Lincoln had choices all right. Take the ballyhooed Emancipation Proclamation. In that little doozy, he chose to free the slaves of a foreign country, but to keep the slaves in the United States as slaves. Obviously, he wasn't too good at this choice thing...
paul_valaru said:Under war powers act he could free the slaves of an enemy nation, give them freedom when they either came to his nation or when his nation occupied the land they where on. While in the lands that did not rebel, he could not end slavery without a constitutional amendment.
He chose to free ALL slaves, he just couldn't do it one union land without congress while on confederate land he could do to the war powers act.