Looks like people DO have issues with the confederate flag

woodman19_99 said:
I've never done this in a class before, but...


I am interested in both sides of this one. I know what I was taught, but since SnP feels so strongly on this one, I guess I need to try and see his side as well...

I know what you were taught too. It was a pack of lies.

I'll suggest some reading if you like. PM me and I'll be happy to provide some excellent sources.
I'd be fine with it too. I wrote an essay in the eighth grade about how the Emancipation Proclamation was nothing more than a motivational document. I think he reaches too far at times to insert a dig at northern aggression when it's not needed or called for... but that doesn't mean his points are invalid.
People have been raised on the information provided in the school books. No one here was alive then and can only base the history on what we were taught.
Human nature has it that folks hate to be told that everything they've been taught is lies or propaganda. You can't get mad at the individual for believing what they've been taught by folks in positions of authority. All you can do is educate them in the truth...and be prepared for some resistance. It takes a while for people to believe that they have been lied to.
And the old adage "you can catch more flies with honey" stands in this case.
A vehement attitude is abrasive and usually serves to entrench people even more firmly in their beliefs.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I know what you were taught too. It was a pack of lies.

I'll suggest some reading if you like. PM me and I'll be happy to provide some excellent sources.

PM Sent. As tonksy said, people don't want to believe they have been lied to. I hate being lied to...
woodman19_99 said:
PM Sent. As tonksy said, people don't want to believe they have been lied to. I hate being lied to...

And answered. Hope it helps. Let me know if you cannot find one of them. I imagine they're a bit easier to lay hands on here than in Boston. :D
SouthernN'Proud said:
I hereby promise that no yankees will be harmed* in the production of the BBQ.

*needlessly :evilgrin:

Offended, insulted, driven to violence, driven from the property, driven insane .... but not harmed*
Professur said:
Offended, insulted, driven to violence, driven from the property, driven insane .... but not harmed*

Turn about being fair play and all, I cannot make any guarantees beyond a vow to keep the bloodshed to a minimum.

Seriously, it'll be OK. I'm a tolerant person. Really. Honest Injun.
Funny, I remeber threads where I supported your use of the flag.

The fact that the article never mentions the point that they are against the flag due to perseved hate was more the point. Giving no room for any defense OTHER than it being the flag of a loosing army.

As to Northerners or Southerners, I am Canadian, you are all just americans to me.

Though now I do see why some northerners think southerners are idiots, you are the archetype of all the stereotype you rally against.

I wrote this thread with sincerity thinking the idea what stupid, yet everyone has to attack the "liberal" and then you dare me to come say it to your face?

anytime muffin.
Why does that apply only to a battle flag? One that never represented one notion either way about slavery? Because it fits your myth? Irrelevent. I know how hard it is for yankees to hear that their opinion isn't the driving force behind anything, but swallow it and get over it. Historically documented fact is not on your side here. Then, when did that ever stop any of you?

The flag represents the notion of slavery because most of the the southern states main driving reason to leave the union was to keep slavery.

Also as you have admitted in the other thread slavery would have lasted much longer had the people who flew that flag won the war.

Get over it.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Both are correct. Inky's is the more recognizable, but both were official Confederate National Flags.

Damn...late again. I posted that same flag some time ago. Do I get some Moon Pies, too? :angel2:
whew, good thing i came in here wit my heat gear under armour on. :p

I didnt take pauls comments as a dig. I dont think he was trying to start anything other than a conversation about the ncaa being kinda ignorant. but hey thats nothing new for them. As inky said bets and payoffs are welcome at all times but a flag? i dont get it.
I know flags are supposed to have meaning, but politics generally ruin the true meanings. sad for sure.

anyways i rant.

I know this is a hot spot for both sides, but lets keep it calm and directed at the topic and not the posters.

paul_valaru said:
I wrote this thread with sincerity thinking the idea what stupid,

You'll excuse me while I don't believe that for an instant.

you dare me to come say it to your face?

anytime muffin.

It's an open invitation to anyone foolish enough to try it. If you choose to take it as personal, that's your issue.

But it IS an open invitation.

da boss said:
I know this is a hot spot for both sides, but lets keep it calm and directed at the topic and not the posters.


I can only promise to try, but I won't be run off or run over either. FTR, my blood pressure has remained more stable today than it has in weeks...
Professur said:
Offended, insulted, driven to violence, driven from the property, driven insane .... but not harmed*

In reallife he's a tolerable human being. :D
Lincoln had choices all right. Take the ballyhooed Emancipation Proclamation. In that little doozy, he chose to free the slaves of a foreign country, but to keep the slaves in the United States as slaves. Obviously, he wasn't too good at this choice thing...

Under war powers act he could free the slaves of an enemy nation, give them freedom when they either came to his nation or when his nation occupied the land they where on. While in the lands that did not rebel, he could not end slavery without a constitutional amendment.

He chose to free ALL slaves, he just couldn't do it one union land without congress while on confederate land he could do to the war powers act.
paul_valaru said:
Under war powers act he could free the slaves of an enemy nation, give them freedom when they either came to his nation or when his nation occupied the land they where on. While in the lands that did not rebel, he could not end slavery without a constitutional amendment.

He chose to free ALL slaves, he just couldn't do it one union land without congress while on confederate land he could do to the war powers act.

The day I need an American History lesson from a Canadian, someone please do the correct thing and shoot me.

Back behind your human shield you go. Try again anytime you like.
So, again I ask, how many slaves were held in Union States? I honestly don't know but I do know thiat it was relatively few. Freeing, say, 100,000 slaves from the confederate sattes via the Emancipation Proclamation while waiting to free 10,000 by the 13th Amendemt is a fair trade, doncha think?