losing touch


New Member
A couple of months ago, I was cleaning out some old papers and birthday cards and I found a "Good Luck" card from a job I left three years ago. Inside the card was a note from my old boss with his address in Florida on it. He knew I went to Florida every year to see my parents back then, and said I should stop by if I'm ever in the area. We left it that we would "keep in touch".

Well, I kept in touch with only one of my old co-workers for a while but even that waned over the years.

Ever since I found that note, these memories of my old job keep coming back to me. He was the best boss I ever had, a really great guy. After I had been there for a few years, I had a talk with him and told him I wanted more opportunities. We discussed traveling to overseas offices in the company and moves to other departments but they all would have involved a pay cut. He said something I'll never forget. He said, "If you don't find another position within the company that will encompass your potential, and you don't want my job when I retire, I would expect you to look outside the company. You're too good to get old in this department like I did." He was just awesome.

Anyway, I'm in the midst of writing a letter to him. It's crossed my mind that he might not still be at that address (or alive even) but I looked him up on Google and found him, and recent references to him.

Which brings me to my point... Have you ever lost touch with someone only to contact them years later? Or have you ever regretted losing touch with someone you never saw or heard from again?
I called up my favorite ex husband a few years ago. His wife got kinda snappy and hung up on me :hmm:bitch
lost contact with my cousin 4 yrs back...contacted him 2 weeks ago, had great fun and he's giving me a diving course upcoming weekend :D
great guy, seems like we've seen eachother every week...

a few friends of mine i had in the US i haven't heard from in 12 yrs or so...even though i was a little kid back then, i still regret not seeing them, or hearing from them :(
I've lost touch with old high school friends that I've talked to after 10 or more years. It's odd, you remember them as this, and they aren't anything like that anymore. I guess they could say the same about me.
yeah, i reckon...even after you've changed from McFly to scruffy McDuck i was surprised, and i didn't even know you, lol :D
Wait'll you see the latest pic, I've just about got my hair long enough for all of it to tie into one ponytail. Been growing it for over a year now.
Most of what i regret are very good friendships i've lost because of pride. Other than that, i send mails or make phone calls periodically.
:rofl: I was working in the yard one day and a little kid rode by on a bike and said "Hi Uncle Joe"....Threw me for a second till I realized it was my 10 year old niece who was visiting her grandparents (my brother's inlaws). She lives about 20 miles from me so I didn't expect to see her riding a bike in the neighborhood.
so your name is Joe huh? :eek6:

lemme find every joe in the US so i can stalk you :eek6:

only 16782267 joe's remaining :D
Now God Damn it. I've given my full name, town I live in, pics of my house, and still I don't get a stalker. This sucks. :crying4:
PuterTutor said:
Now God Damn it. I've given my full name, town I live in, pics of my house, and still I don't get a stalker. This sucks. :crying4:
If you want a visit, just say so. You're all of about 12 hours away from me. I keep my sleeping bag in the car full time now. :D
Actually, I was thinking about this on the way home. I can still play most of the songs I ever played, but I can only remember the complete names of four bass players I played with. :retard:
I've lost touch with a couple of good friends from high school. My 10 year reunion is coming up next summer though, hopefully I'll be able to meet up with them again :D