Love the choose your own OTC Logo

Was that a good idea from the Window Licker? I just heard that term for the first time last week and I was just about to use it in that capacity, then lo and behold, it was right there. I love you fury.

Bad Idea: RAM sticks make great keyrings, and DDR modules are long enough that you could easily make 5 keychains for 5 winners :p
I suppose I should add that having nearly 60 different styles means nearly 60x the work for me whenever we change something related to the colors (e.g. say I want to change the main page border color to a darker shade of teal... if I want to do that for all styles, I would have to do it as many times as there are styles. I can edit the global template set and do it all in one fell swoop but doing that requires that I have debug mode on, which is an absolutely HUGE security risk)

That's why I suggested the option of only the 5 finalist logos in the dropdown box.
thankin' ya kindly fury. :)

(If you could have any more than 5 then that would be great too. But just if you can).
At the risk of pissing people off, I disagree. This logo is going to be the logo of OTC, right? You're not just talking style here, you're talking logo. This logo will represent not only the site, but the atmosphere of the site, much like a brand name. I realize some people may not like the winners, but that's too bad, that is OUR logo, and we should be proud of it.
I don't place that much importance on it. I'd prefer to have a logo that I like at least a little, and if it's easy to do so then that should be okay.

If some people don't like the winning one even a bit, they're hardly going to proud of it just because it's OUR logo. I don't mean this in a bad way at all...just that the whole group this-is-us we-are-proud sort of sentiment doesn't really wash with me.

If it's impossible and just causes hassle, then that's fine. But fury has suggested something that sounds pretty cool.
I see what you are saying, but again, I have to disagree. First of all, a sites look is everything. You can't touch it, you can't smell it, you can only see it. If it looks different to everyone, or is customizable to everyone, is that right? In my opinion, no.

We already have more say here than any other forum I've ever been to, we get to vote for mods, if we bitch, people actually listen, rather than give you the speil. It's amazing to me that we get to make some of the choices we do make here, after all, Sam, Gonz, and fury could do whatever they please. I just think there should be an OTC logo, and that should be it. If you want to change some othere things around, go for it, but the logo should be constant.
PT i have agreed with you from the start. The whole idea of a logo is to Identify the site. While im willing to concede a little i do not see a need for multiple(more than 4-5 ) logos. But only 1 will be the default. that is the 1 that any visitor will see when comming to the site.
Maybe it is something we could set up in the user CP where after so many post or something like that you would have the option to have a different banner from the top 5. (similiar to the favorite smilies mod fury just programmed for you guys) But on the whole i dont see any reason to make fury or anyone work any harder to create multiple styles to accomodate more logo's. So pretty much colorwise or style for the site its wysiwyg.
As for being proud of or some people wont like the winning logo, I cant help that end of it. There are things we all dont like but it doesnt necessarily stop us from buying or doing it anyways.
I think that the 4-5 choice idea is great.

PT, I see what you are saying. I have often said to people that this site is so much better in a lot of ways to other message boards...but... I wouldn't give people too much credit for doing something that they should be doing anyway.
I realise that compared to other sites, the mods here have time for our ideas and problems, and that we have influence over a few things...but that's how it should be anyway. A message board site wouldn't be anything without the posters themselves.
Compared to other places, yes, it is great. But that's because other places are not doing what they should, rather than this site exceeding expectation, if you see what I mean.
I wouldn't accept one form of leadership just because it gave you a little bit of choice where others don't, for example. We should have choice, where possible. As more of a general right and less of a privilege.
I guess that's it for me, it's so much better here than most, that I see the norm being the rest. And to all rights, that is the way it should be. Most of these places are run by corporations, they don't really give a shit about each user, but want an active forum to make them look better. They do what is best for the masses, and least likely to offend anyone. Here that would be next to impossible, or if it did happen, it would ruin the entire basis of having this site. Can you imagine not being able to speak your mind here? I sure can't.
I guess what I'm trying to say is this. You say the way it should be is that we always have a say in the way a site is run, and I agree. The fact is though, that most sites you have very little if any say in the way it is ran, and that is the way it is. Not better or worse, they just have strict guidelines that must be followed for the control of the site, and for the enjoyment of all, not just a few.
Oh hell, I didn't even get back to the logo part.

The logo will represent us. I just wouldn't feel right not having the logo that is chosen by the majority as the logo I used. :shrug:
I know what you're saying. I just wouldn't ever stop trying to improve something because of the fact that it's already better than most.

As for the logo... I guess if I had entered and won, I wouldn't feel the need for everyone to use it, knowing that some people didn't want to at all. It would kinda make me feel bad and not a little awkward. If you're fine with using any logo that wins, then that's ok for you, but some people would naturally prefer another, and that's why a choice would be nice. :)

On a seperate note.... fury, did you put that stupid retard logo I did in the competition?
LOL. That was not supposed to be an entry! It was a joke and I'd like to make this clear. :D