I personally like this one :)


europa.jpg, 31.86kb

USSR, spelled in Cyrillic. C is the ``lunate form'' of the Greek letter sigma, with the sound of ess (I mean the unvoiced sound, as in ``sound,'' and not the voiced sound, as in ``zounds''). P is a capital letter rho. In transliteration, the letters read SSSR and stand for Soyuz Sovyetskii Sotsialistikh Respublik.
tits, that's it unc, cccp, i was trying to remember from the football shirts in the 80's :)
ohhhh yeah, CCCP

URSS, Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas, spanish
URSS, Union des républiques socialilistes soviétiques, french
URSS, Unione delle repubbliche socialiste sovietiche, italian
URSS, União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas, portuguese
LastLegionary said:
I demand a right wing moderator. :D

why you need a mod?
you have 3 admins: fury, sam and GOD (although i don't know about their political preferences, but the 3 are from the USA)