@ this thread

Talking 'bout me while I'm asleep huh?
Read up on Shadowfaxs stuff back at XIbase. Hes left... but only probably so he can score chicks.
Nah, I'm not left. On the contrary....but I'm neither extreme right. I just have really controversial ideas for a conservative country as the netherlands..
They don't like my ideas, they don't like what I think when it comes to politics, and government.
To illustrate how short sighted the netherlands can be: that pic I've posted on page one, it's a copy of a billboard of the NSDAP. I really liked the picture, just as I like a lot of propaganda material from that period. Not because of the ideas, but just for what they are.
I've had that picture on my agenda last year, and I almost got expelled because of that.
I also got serious trouble because I said there were coming way to many refugees to the netherlands; to many
economical refugees.
You won't believe how pissed people were at me at that time. I even got threatened by people, totally absurd.
And it seems like you aren't allowed to criticize the government either. I've had some serious critic on the WAO funding around here (2 MILLION people get a LOT of money because they aren't able to work) Problem: 70% or more takes advantage of the WAO. They
can work, or can work partially. But they're lazy and don't WANT to work. So they sit at home, doing nothing, living off my tax money :mad2:
But you can't say that here. People will call you a racist (heard that) or a nazi (yeah, I've even been called that..

Sometimes I hate being here. The Netherlands are tolerant, but they are overreacting when it comes to that. They allow too many people into the country with no background, people who cannot and will not contribute to our society.
They allow too many people to sit on their ass and live off our tax money.
Plus the taxes around here are WAY to high. We pay $1.20 or a little bit more per LITRE gas...70% of that is government tax. From every buck earned here, more than 60% goes to the government through incometax, tax on products, tax on gas or taxes for social wellfare.
But you're not allowed to criticize. I can't even say on the street here that I support the American point of view when Iraq is concerned. It's pathetic. A free country, but you're not allowed by the general public to speak up your mind.