down with taxes......

no taxes........guarantee

:rofl: @ this thread :D
Talking 'bout me while I'm asleep huh? :D

Read up on Shadowfaxs stuff back at XIbase. Hes left... but only probably so he can score chicks.

Nah, I'm not left. On the contrary....but I'm neither extreme right. I just have really controversial ideas for a conservative country as the netherlands..
They don't like my ideas, they don't like what I think when it comes to politics, and government.

To illustrate how short sighted the netherlands can be: that pic I've posted on page one, it's a copy of a billboard of the NSDAP. I really liked the picture, just as I like a lot of propaganda material from that period. Not because of the ideas, but just for what they are.
I've had that picture on my agenda last year, and I almost got expelled because of that.
I also got serious trouble because I said there were coming way to many refugees to the netherlands; to many economical refugees.
You won't believe how pissed people were at me at that time. I even got threatened by people, totally absurd.
And it seems like you aren't allowed to criticize the government either. I've had some serious critic on the WAO funding around here (2 MILLION people get a LOT of money because they aren't able to work) Problem: 70% or more takes advantage of the WAO. They can work, or can work partially. But they're lazy and don't WANT to work. So they sit at home, doing nothing, living off my tax money :mad2:
But you can't say that here. People will call you a racist (heard that) or a nazi (yeah, I've even been called that.. :rolleyes: )
Sometimes I hate being here. The Netherlands are tolerant, but they are overreacting when it comes to that. They allow too many people into the country with no background, people who cannot and will not contribute to our society.
They allow too many people to sit on their ass and live off our tax money.
Plus the taxes around here are WAY to high. We pay $1.20 or a little bit more per LITRE gas...70% of that is government tax. From every buck earned here, more than 60% goes to the government through incometax, tax on products, tax on gas or taxes for social wellfare.

But you're not allowed to criticize. I can't even say on the street here that I support the American point of view when Iraq is concerned. It's pathetic. A free country, but you're not allowed by the general public to speak up your mind.
Those seem like elements of a left government to me. High taxes; generaly left. Controlled but limited prostitution and drug use; left to be sure. Can't criticise the government; heh... thats ALL governments. A system that lets people rise a no work welfare state; seriously left. I can't recall a single conservative government praised for its bloated welfare policies. massive immigration; that coud play either way. Not being able to express your mind on the street because you would get shouted down and pummeled; this has a few general guidelines that I've noticed over the years: If you are shouting down religious or financial control and abuse; rightist. If you are shouting down something social and something that affects tax distributions; leftist.

All governments are consumed with brutal fuel taxes. They are addicted to the easy money that comes from it.

Baseline is: if you have an over the top welfare safety net system, people will take advantage of it. If the government doesnt crack down on the abuse, more and more will abuse it until it becomes institutionalized abuse. I've seen it happen over and over and over again in many countries as well as my own.
unclehobart said:
Baseline is: if you have an over the top welfare safety net system, people will take advantage of it. If the government doesnt crack down on the abuse, more and more will abuse it until it becomes institutionalized abuse. I've seen it happen over and over and over again in many countries as well as my own.

my thoughts preciselly.
Bite me you all :p

Anarchism is right Luis. Left and right indicates the size of the government. On the left you have total government, such as communism. On the right you have no government, which is anarchy. The smaller your government, the more right wing you are. The bigger your government, the more left wing you are.
Utopia is a myth spun by socialists. They think that the more the government divides up the health the happier people will get. We all know the happiness experienced by the Russians, Chinese, and east block nations, which Luis and ris seems so anxious to experience :p
In fact the anarchism theory is as opposed to socialism as it is to capitalism. No government, but no private property of ground or production media.
i don't expect to experience what the USSR and China people experienced.

i think better.
Luis G said:
i don't expect to experience what the USSR and China people experienced.

i think better.
:rolleyes: Show me one state where communism made everyone happy as can be. Please. Now on the other hand, a lot of people in the western world are way more happy.
it is useless to ask about history of socialism, is hasn't worked yet.
Luis G said:
it is useless to ask about history of socialism, is hasn't worked yet.
Yes indeed, total communism as you indicate in your avatar is a failure. History proved it does not work. However, capitalism and right wing governments does work. There is a reason the US is the #1 country in the world you know...
those forms of comunism were not pure communism, they were instead practical dictatorships where the few lived more equally than others.

capitalism does have its merits, but there are those who would argue that capitalism and the pure aquisition of wealth have a tendency toward expolitation and unethical practice.

i prefer a meritocracy where intelligence rather than wealth is the factor for guiding development.