
Probably it will not reach Morelia, if it does i don't think it will do much harm in cities, other than rains. (our houses are made of concrete, not wood like many in the US-Canada)

Coast cities will get hurt because of the sea. :(
i just read that the Yucatan goverment ordered to evacuate a few small coast towns, and that the hurricane might reach wind speeds of 245km/h
we had a piece of shit earthquake last night - 4.8r and about 100 miles away. all i noticed was the windows sounded like the wind was buffeting them.
Earthquakes? In the UK?

Does that happen more often? I thought that the UK almost never did have any earthquakes, just like the netherlands :)
we have about one 4r+ every 8-10.

i was in one that was centred in the netherlands about 10 years ago. we were in teh model valley on a trip. pretty much woke the whole hostel with the shaking and the things falling off the tables and stuff.

i heard about it after, slept through it :D
Luis G said:

Probably it will not reach Morelia, if it does i don't think it will do much harm in cities, other than rains. (our houses are made of concrete, not wood like many in the US-Canada)

Coast cities will get hurt because of the sea. :(
Concrete means little to spontaneous 2 meter deep raging flash floods.
Gonz said:
So Unc, when it turns NE, are you ready?
I'm 400 miles inland. So far, only one hurricane has ever made it here... as a shattered tropical storm. The only thing I fear is some of the trees in my backyard falling into my roof. Food I have. Gasbottle grill for cooking. Water can be done at the last second. If there an abosolute sea of debris out of it... I don't know where I can put it all. My little chaff pile can get overwhelmed quick.
Hurricanes in Mexico, Earthquakes in the UK, Damn I'm glad I live in the center of the US. We get tornados once in a blue moon, but that's it.
unclehobart said:
Concrete means little to spontaneous 2 meter deep raging flash floods.

we've had some floodings in non-coast cities, the damages does not include houses, just what's "inside" the house.

In the coast......well, things are very different, no matter how are the houses built, you can not stop the sea.
ris said:
we have about one 4r+ every 8-10.

i was in one that was centred in the netherlands about 10 years ago. we were in teh model valley on a trip. pretty much woke the whole hostel with the shaking and the things falling off the tables and stuff.

i heard about it after, slept through it :D

wow! there aren't earthquakes that often around here :)
you were in the netherlands? you must attract these natural phenomena :D
4 richter feels like.....a smooth movement.

wait til you are in a building.........6th floor or more and get a 7 richter one.
funny thing is......the higher you are in a building, the less you feel the earthquake, the body of the building absorves the waves. The only way to make a building to fall is if the surface is moving in one direction and the underground in another, this type of movements cuts the basis of the building.
That was the problem that many buildings had in Mexico City in 1985 (3 minutes at 8.1 richter)
Luis G said:
wait til you are in a building.........6th floor or more and get a 7 richter one.

Been there--well, it was the second of 3 floors but close enough--during teh Northridge quake of '91. Also, on the 60th floor, downtown LA during a 5+ aftershock. With the retrofitting, it was a large sway but no more.

I'd take earthquakes over tornadoes(which are common here) anyday. You live your life, the earth start to rumble, throws shit around & stops. In tornado weather, you watch the sky, the TV, pace around waiting for it to blow thru then wait until the next storm. I prefer no warning to advanced doppler weather & tornado advanced warning that a storm is overhead & may come down and eat you & your family if you don't watch our advanced doppler warning on channel (xx) so stay tuned to advanced doppler warning. It's probably nothing but who cares. We spent a gazillion dollars on advanced doppler warning so we could tell you that there is a hell of a storm ourside with our advanced doppler warning sysytem.