The LA earthquake was 20 seconds and it was only 6.7richter (it wasn't that big), you don't know what you are exchanging for tornadoes.
Nope, it was a pussy quake. You're right
i was in germany when the quake shook the netherlands. my typo was 'model', it should have read mosel.

fool :D
The first squall line of showers is now forming spontaneously overhead. Weather has been moving north all day and will only get worse as this thing gets closer. Its creepy to see such weather shoot up from the south. 98% comes from the north and west. Hurricanes are about the only thing going that can back it up like that. The sun hasn't shone in about 5 days. I don't think its going to pop out for a good 5 more days to come. I dare say that theres going to be a !@#$load of leaves to rake up come sunday. Hopefully my gutters and window casings wont be right beside them.
That's OK. We need the water something fierce. I'm just glad I got the hell out of Biloxi on Tuesday.
well, it shouldn't make much trouble there, now it is a storm with 85km/h winds, it will probably become a hurricane again but not as strong as it was in Cuba and Yucatan.