make your southpark selves!

bastit, it says that it's not worked but i have your av now. bollocks and arse....
wtf, now i can't do shit right :mad2:

what is wrong with this??? swut swutttttt
i had it back for a sec, and now it's gone again.

i give up, i'll have to love little red crosses until fury gets back


SPark Gonz.jpg, 17.48kb

SPark Gonz.jpg
ok mitch i think i have it sussed...

select yes, browse out the image and then hit save

i think it worked this time :)
when i got it to work it wasn't reloading the screen to show the image before i pressed save. i'm not sure how i got it to do that but once it was i could change av fine.

i did log out and log back into my profile too, but i'm not sure that helped.
for those who can't wait for leslie to get her usb sorted, here is her south park self :)


sp_sml.jpg, 18.88kb

hey guys,

i don't know anything about flash. once you've made your picture, how do you save it?

i right clicked, but save image as is not an option.
