make your southpark selves!

this was fun to do again :D

scroll down near the bottom to "Create your own character"


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Thanks, Les! That just provided my friend and I with twenty minutes of high entertainment. :D
hahha here is one that my buddy made of me back on April 12th 2003! (looking at the date modified in the properties of the picture) :D
Well you managed to twist my arm :D

This is how you'd prolly find me at any non-work point in time :D
hehe, it's definately been a see the difference:





the hair got worse, the smile got better. and no, i'm not wearing a shirt like that. :D (i wish i had one though ;))
I hate going through so many uploads, save, cut, paste... bah ... just look at my profile pic. I look like Ted Nugent with a thicker body. No GA accent even though I've been here for 35 years... and put a Slayer t-shirt on me.
I don't know why I originally thought you were a transplanted Canadian. (This is around the same time I thought Professur and Nixy were married. :p)

I've lived here my whole life too and, by most standards, I don't have a New York accent. I am quite happy about that fact.
abooja said:
I don't know why I originally thought you were a transplanted Canadian. (This is around the same time I thought Professur and Nixy were married. :p)

I've lived here my whole life too and, by most standards, I don't have a New York accent. I am quite happy about that fact.

Well, he was at the Montreal BBQ too...maybe that played some roll...or maybe someone was slipping you some real good stuff in your drinks :D
Nixy said:
Well, he was at the Montreal BBQ too...maybe that played some roll...or maybe someone was slipping you some real good stuff in your drinks :D
It was more like me slipping too much smoke into my lungs. ;)

Here, unc. I did one for you. :lloyd: