make your southpark selves!

you'll have to scrn-prnt them but make 'em and post 'em!

ok, i didn't see that part. but i still don't understand what that means.

i think that refers to some way you can capture the image of whatever is in your active window, but i don't know what the keyboard command is.

is it as simple as pressing the print screen button?
yes, just hitting printscreen, then pasting will get it into your paintshop, you can crop it there, and save as a jpg or somesuch.
Got a good image editing program like Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro? (Not MS Paint, because it won't save as anything but .bmp which is too large)

Hit Print Screen once you've made yourself, and then paste that image into the program. Crop it down to size so it only shows the SP character on the screen, and then save it as a .jpg or .png (.png is better quality and smaller if you have the option to save it as that). Then attach it via the attachment option at the bottom of the post page.
the print scrn button is at usually found at the end of the f-key line, next to scroll lock and pause keys.
This is me. They didn't have facial hair to match mine so I had to edit it some.


b.png, 15.30kb

Leslie after walking in on her: :D

[watch it!, though its not nudity its implied, and i don't think Leslie would appreciate that] - Justin
Look! It's me! (I have shorter hair now but they had no shorter hair in my colour)


nix.JPG, 11.80kb

Originally posted by Anakin
Leslie after walking in on her: :D

[watch it!, though its not nudity its implied, and i don't think Leslie would appreciate that] - Justin

Since when is implied nudity prohibited? Lighten up, guy. ;)

That pic did not show any nudity at all. It was a cartoon that had no visable breasts. :D