Makes ya wonder why we don't nuke 'em

Because the whole doesn't want one. It's already subdivided into sunni & shi'ite, at least.

You're missing the whole point. It is impossible to IMPOSE freedom. You can't force freedom. It's natural to the human condition. Man & his rules removes freedom. We are not forcing them to live like us. We are allowing them to decide for themselves, individually.
They have nothing to do with protecting the minority do they? The little guy who just wants to go about his business without some radical forcing him to "choose" another way.
Gonz said:
They have nothing to do with protecting the minority do they? The little guy who just wants to go about his business without some radical forcing him to "choose" another way.

Now you're confusing me. Are you referring to the coalition which deposed an elected gov't? Or stopping the little guy who just wants to follow his religion and blow up a few heathens? Or stopping some other little guy from having his wife stoned in the streets for showing her ankles?

Damn it, Gonz. I need clarity.
Gonz said:
Because the whole doesn't want one. It's already subdivided into sunni & shi'ite, at least.

You're missing the whole point. It is impossible to IMPOSE freedom. You can't force freedom. It's natural to the human condition. Man & his rules removes freedom. We are not forcing them to live like us. We are allowing them to decide for themselves, individually.

thats what I have been saying. but we go there overthrow Sadam. That is about the only positive. We are forcing them to choose our way and calling it freedom.
We are forcing them to choose our way and calling it freedom.

What the fuck are you talking about? Be careful, you're hurting yourself.

Never mind
We go there. We force our ideas on them and call it freedom. how the fuck am I hurting myself? what the fuck does that mean?
Man I wasn't going to comment, but the more I look at this topic the more it disgusts me. How can a person even consider nuclear weapons in such a conflict? Not to even mention the horrible atrocity we'd be commiting by using nukes, what would the rest of the world do? I wouldn't be surprised if that would be an open invitation to world war 3. The sick thing is I know there are some folks that'd be like "bring it".
Gonz said:
Too late. It already started. didn't. This isn't even close to a WWIII scenario.

To quote Einstein "I don't know how
WWIII will be fought but WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones."