Man stopped by police records blood-alcohol level of 0.42.



BRISBANE man is a candidate for the dubious distinction of recording the highest blood-alcohol reading in Queensland since the late 1980s, and one of the highest ever detected in Australia.

The 48-year-old is due to face court next month, charged with driving under the influence after he allegedly returned a staggering reading of 0.422 – more than eight times the legal limit of 0.05.

The alleged reading is the highest detected in Queensland since 1989, when a man at Ayr in the state's north was found driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.49.

Such a reading – which, according to medical evidence presented in previous drink-driving cases, should render anyone unconscious, if not dead – also would come close to national records detected by police during the 1990s.

A South Australian man recorded a blood-alcohol level of 0.497 when he was breath-tested in that state's southeast in 1998.
:eek: :eek:
Actually many people get that high but just don't get caught. Back in my younger days i could pound a liter of vodka within a few hours. 2.2lbs/180lbs-3oz(one ounce per hour leaves the body)=pretty damn high.
I have no idea how much I can hold. lol. It will be such an incredible shock to my system I think.

That guy should have his license suspended for a few years or something. :/
the sickest i've ever been was after two bottles of boone's farm fruity wine (by myself). apparently i blew a .1 :drink2:
:confuse3: Why is everyone messin wit my game. First Gonz, now Luis....Sheesh...I get them all primed and everyone wants to make the booty call for me....:retard:
OK, come here and we'll see who wins.

Doesn't matter who wins, what matters is competing :beerbang:
You don't stand a chance Luis. Q is not an evil lesbian so you could never be her lover.....And you dance like it hurts...