Man wounds 12, kills 6 in Tucson

He wasn't from Tucson was he?

He's prolly glued to godlikeproduction or abovetopsecret.
I was just watching a report on the gun that guy used...the glock...

I wonder where he got the money for it, and the extra long clips.
That had to be well over a grand.
I haven't heard about this guy having a job.
His parents were having trouble with him (reportedly), so
where'd the money come from?
a glock is around 500 and those were probably cheep aftermarket mags. seems like a pretty lame angle ya got cato.
I bet those cheap clips were "Hencho en Mexico," we must close that border before any more of those dangerous clips come over.

No time for facts, we must act NOW!
a glock is around 500 and those were probably cheep aftermarket mags. seems like a pretty lame angle ya got cato.

well they must be a lot cheaper out that way then, because you won't
find one here that cheap. (then there's tax on top)

lame angle?
Just curiosity. No angle.:shrug:
you're entitled to you opinion of coarse though.
yep, they are way cheaper out that way.

Same premise though.
Where did he even get a couple hundred?

I'm just interested on a little more background on this guy than what they've told.

Of coarse we are finding out a Little more each day.
The left is now the Loughner Left

There is no depth of depravity to which they will not sink in order to achieve their fascist goals.
There is no depth of depravity to which they will not sink in order to achieve their fascist goals.
I personally don't see this guy fitting any kind of profile to a large enough percentage to classify, other than 'creepy crazy asshole'.

Christmas & birthday money. Mowing lawns. Holding seances. A grand isn't that hard to come up with.
yeah I suppose someone with a deranged obsession like this guy seemed
to have would be able scratch a little here, and a little there, and save it up.
Or he got it from his parents who gave it to him to get him out of the house and away from them.
I personally don't see this guy fitting any kind of profile to a large enough percentage to classify, other than 'creepy crazy asshole'.

white guy. white guys have killed more people than any other group of folks in the history of the world. i wonder if that means anything.