Mandatory military service

Mandatory military service?

  • No

    Votes: 16 76.2%
  • Yes

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Oh you're just talking about plane hijackings.

All sorts of people hijack planes.

Ok, nice list, spike. Did you bother to read it?

Every American airplane hijacking has been planned and executed by muslim terrorists. Of the three successful, one unsuccessful, and one aborted hijacking in the past three decades, every hijacker was a muslim.

When you take your car to the mechanic, does he check your tires and brakes, or does he pick a random number out of his parts catalog, and check that? Tires and brakes have a tendency to cause accidents if they stop working, but it's not fair that the mechanic should check them, because that's a stereotype! Most cars have tires and brakes in working condition. It's much better to just check random parts, because that isn't prejudiced. Why should my mechanic check my tires and brakes, when he could be checking my cassette player and trunk hinges? Just because tire and brake failure can cause an accident doesn't mean they will, but broken trunk hinges and a cassette player might cause an accident too! They never have in the past, but there's a first time for everything!

It's called "logic". Weird word, I know. It's some crazy idea that if something has caused a problem in the past, it might cause a problem again in the future, so you should check it out.

If my laptop won't turn on, should I check the battery to see if it's dead, or should I check the processor? Every time it's happened before, it was the battery, but it's simply prejudiced to assume that it's the battery this time too. I might hurt the battery's feelings! I better check the processor. Yeah, it has no history of ever causing my computer to not turn on, but in the interest of equality, I should check components in random order, rather than diagnosing the most likely point of failure first.
Ok, nice list, spike. Did you bother to read it?

Every American airplane hijacking has been planned and executed by muslim terrorists.

Please read the list Altron.

You are simply wrong

Here's another

Or you could look at January 28, 1972: TWA

Or maybe January 12, 1972: Braniff Flight 38

Or March 17, 1970: Eastern Air Lines Shuttle Flight 1320

In other words maybe you could just read the list and be proven wrong by logic.

OMG it looks like most American hijackings have been by white people. Maybe we should stereotype them and really check them out before we let them get on a plane.

Altron said:
....Every American airplane hijacking has been planned and executed by muslim terrorists. Of the three successful, one unsuccessful, and one aborted hijacking in the past three decades, every hijacker was a muslim....

Reading comprehension. Not only are all the white people hijackings like 30-40 years ago, they also all had the suspects caught and in jail. Compared to the several muslim hijackings, less than 8 years ago, where the suspects are still at large. Are you more worried about the criminal who got caught 40 years ago, or the one who got away 8 years ago?
Oh, right, forgot about the double standard. If I take an entire paragraph of Sotomayor's speech, and draw conclusions from it, that's taking things out of context, because I obviously can't understand what she meant. But if mark quotes one of my sentences, and not the sentence after immediately after it, that's not the same thing at all.

I named a very specific scenario - getting on a passenger airplane at an American airport in 2009, and being concerned about terrorist activities. You've constantly been trying to put words in my mouth, and make my comment into something that it's not. Again, a FedEx flight is not a passenger airliner, is it? Do people have to go through airport security to get on it? Can you buy a ticket on it? Is there any way that you would end up on that airplane unless you were a FedEx employee or a cardboard box?

You're sidestepping my point, and bringing up things that are completely irrelevant. I say that airport security should not randomly select who to search, but instead search the people who are suspicious. Search people who are suspicious looking, and people who bear many similarities to previous hijackers.
You know on some level I have just a touch more respect for what it takes to be a suicide bomber....To believe that much in the cause as to set out to purposely die for it, than say these guys who bomb abortion clinics and kill doctors, then run and hide and try to avoid paying for their crimes.

But this just goes against everything we Americans are supposed to hold dear!

....I say that airport security should not randomly select who to search, but instead search the people who are suspicious. Search people who are suspicious looking, and people who bear many similarities to previous hijackers.

You try that and the courts would be full of lawsuits not to mention the public outcry! But then I guess you probably subscribe to philosophies like this don't you?

Dumbass Dubya said:
There ought to be limits to freedom.
I say that airport security should not randomly select who to search, but instead search the people who are suspicious. Search people who are suspicious looking, and people who bear many similarities to previous hijackers.

If you look at the last 10 hijackings in the US most of them have been by white people. So I guess you would be mainly searching white people then.
You try that and the courts would be full of lawsuits not to mention the public outcry! But then I guess you probably subscribe to philosophies like this don't you?

Public outcry at being kept safe? Airport security isn't a breach of freedom. Don't want to go through a metal detector and have your luggage go through an x-ray? Then don't buy airline tickets. Airport security's job is to keep us safe, and that means investigating things that look suspicious. Any police force worth a damn is always on the lookout for suspicious activities, and they investigate them.

I guess police officers looking for DUIs should pull over cars at random, rather than specifically looking for cars that swerve a lot, can't maintain a constant speed, and can't stay in one lane. I mean, it's not fair to investigate drivers that LOOK drunk, you should instead just investigate random cars. And if that drunk person does hit another car and kill somebody, at least his freedoms weren't infringed upon, which is the most important thing. We should all be willing to risk our lives to avoid inconveniencing people who appear to be up to nefarious activities.

Ok, spike, if you really want to pull out some statistics, let's do it.
Eastern Air Lines Shuttle Flight 1320 - 1 white hijacker, 1 person died.
Braniff Flight 38 - 1 white hijacker, no deaths.
TWA Flight 2 - 1 white hijacker, no deaths.
TWA Flight 355 - 4 Croatian hijackers, 1 death.
Fedex Flight 705 - 1 white hijacker, no deaths.
911 - 5 flights - 23 muslim hijackers, 3,017 people dead.

5 of 11 attempted american hijackings were done by muslims. (45%)
23 of 31 hijackers were muslim (74%). 13% were white, and 13% were croatian.
3017 of 3019 people killed by hijacked planes were killed by muslims. (99.9%)
Not the same thing and you know it. If a driver acts drunk pull him over! If a passenger acts suspiciously, put him under greater scrutiny.
More exactly! They are wasting time searching grannys in wheel chairs!

Have you forgotten?

Pick out the ones that have another intent in mind....and in this day and age, it's not hard to figure out who.
Exactly what I'm trying to say! They shouldn't do searches based on random selections, but rather on people who look suspicious, or look like they might be terrorists.

But you can't base it on race or ethnicity. It has to be a judgement on their behavior.