Mandatory military service

Mandatory military service?

  • No

    Votes: 16 76.2%
  • Yes

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I love the idea of mandatory service at 18. The years between 18 and 21 are when people do the stupidest things, all the while thinking how grown up they are. Slap 'em under total scrutiny for those years, all the while making sure that they get a good long hard look at the way the rest of the world works. When they come out, they'll have a good, solid, realistic view of the world.
i said "no", because i'm weak, lazy, emotionally unstable... i sure as hell could not stand being yelled at and told what to do, etc.... having to stand up straight and such, ... i could so not take that. i'd die after a week. i'm sure im not the only one.
if i had to get drafted, tho.... i could be a nurse, couldnt i? i've been considering being a nurse for my carreer anyway. but i couldnt wield a weapon and be expected to hurt someone with it. i'd rather die, myself, than kill someone else.
and of course compulsory military service would make men out of the boys. what else is going to put hair on their chests and get them to stop playing video games? and maybe it would make men out of the girls too. that would be great
Well, a lot do care's just the crowd your talking to I suppose. Only people I ever really trusted....I mean trusted, as in with my life, were those guys in turret with me. You and I have been through it. We know what it does to a person. Most people don't have a clue, unforutnately.
i said "no", because i'm weak, lazy, emotionally unstable... i sure as hell could not stand being yelled at and told what to do, etc.... having to stand up straight and such, ... i could so not take that.

Most people would. That's not what it's about and that's not the way it is.
no, i think i'd be kicked out in a week, i don't respond well to orders, and i'm a pacifist. government service would be a slightly better situation if it paid for my school like the GI bill.
as for making men out of boys, what about service-people who spend their free time in a alcoholic stupor. when you look at the big picture, how much have they really grown up?
although, the idea of a garrison near DC filled with people pissed off about being conscripted into military service makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside (mmm, february 1917):headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
sorry if this is a restatment, i'm tired
tommyj27 said:
no, i think i'd be kicked out in a week, i don't respond well to orders, and i'm a pacifist.

So you never listen to your boss/parents/teachers? Same thing. As for the pacifist, I must assume that you've never had a fight, and never will.

tommyj27 said:
as for making men out of boys, what about service-people who spend their free time in a alcoholic stupor. when you look at the big picture, how much have they really grown up?

Cheap shot and way off the mark. The military has no more of a problem with alcoholism than civilian life...and folks in the military who do have such problems are identified at a much earlier time than in the civilian world as well. We just sent one of our troops to 12 step for just that out of over 200 in my unit. ;)

tommyj27 said:
although, the idea of a garrison near DC filled with people pissed off about being conscripted into military service makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside (mmm, february 1917):headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
sorry if this is a restatment, i'm tired

You must be, or you'd know that in the past, everybody was conscripted, and we've never had a revolt like you've mentioned. :headbang:
i dont know what you mean when you say that in the past everyone was conscripted. certainly not in US history? also, i believe the feb 1917 comment was a reference to the russian revolution. :)
It was, indeed, but this isn't Russia, and our troops are treated much better. ;)

BTW...most of the Russians I've worked with on NATO missions are pretty good people.
PostCode said:
it's just the crowd your talking to I suppose.
If that was partly in reference to me, I didn't mean to say I flat out disrespected anyone or anything having to do with the military. Just that I didn't think it'd be a smart move to make everyone have to do service, especially considering the rebellious nature of some of today's teens. One of two things could happen: They could be shaped into men, or they could get pissed off and go on a killing spree in the middle of training and kill a crapload of people who otherwise would've survived had that person not been forced to serve. I'll put my money on most people not wanting to risk that the latter should happen.
most of that post (and my posts in general) was me being a over-tired, sarcastic, liberal assmonkey. my apologies if i offended you.

Gato_Solo said:
Cheap shot and way off the mark.
i'm not trying to take cheap shots, i make that generalization about drunk peeps doing stupid things in general, civilian, military, or otherwise.
And with everyone in the military, what would they eat? with what would they shoot?
We need industries to power the army. Imagine everyone is off fighting a war. If we lose, bam the USA is over. It's better to have a few soldiers with a lot of motivation, enough supplies, and high quality than 100 million soldiers wit sticks and rocks, and no food. or training.
Altron said:
And with everyone in the military, what would they eat? with what would they shoot?
We need industries to power the army. Imagine everyone is off fighting a war. If we lose, bam the USA is over. It's better to have a few soldiers with a lot of motivation, enough supplies, and high quality than 100 million soldiers wit sticks and rocks, and no food. or training.

Nobody said that everybody would stay in the military, Altron. Just that everyone would have to serve at least 2 years before college or the job market. Once that 2 years was up, then they could do what they wished. Trust me...we'd still have a strong force after those 2 years, as staying in would be an incentive to some.
At first I though "What a great idea! bet they didn't think of it" but then right before I posted I though "What about people 35+ no longer in military but can still work" but I had made too good of a post to bother wiht those minor details.
Well I think mandatory service will suck, but then I don't think we need a big army, only a shitload of nukes.
I didn't vote for the same old argument I always have. Hawaiians shouldn't be forced to serve in the U.S military. It should be our choice to enlist in the military which helped to overthrow our government *throwing in my $.02* :D
Altron said:
At first I though "What a great idea! bet they didn't think of it" but then right before I posted I though "What about people 35+ no longer in military but can still work" but I had made too good of a post to bother wiht those minor details.
Well I think mandatory service will suck, but then I don't think we need a big army, only a shitload of nukes.'s the deal. Instead of looking solely at the drawbacks, look at the benefits.

1. Technical training. Not everybody is in the infantry. In fact, most of us are in a support function.
2. We all pay taxes. Even those of us in the military.
3. Discipline.

I'm sure there are more, because these are just off the top of my head.
With a huge army generals might begin to consider soldiers very expendable, resultign in more deaths.
I play a lot of Starcraft, and I look at the army like that. If I have 12 Marines, I am going to be far more careful than if I had hundreds.

1. Technical training. Not everybody is in the infantry. In fact, most of us are in a support function.
You can learn that stuff in college
2. We all pay taxes. Even those of us in the military.
lol that makes you think: Aren't they paying them selves, as taxes pay for soldiers. If they get paid form taxes, how do they pay taxes?
3. Discipline.
I initially voted no, on gut instinct. I've avoided replying, until now, because this issue deserves some serious thought. I still say no-with a caveat.

Since the draft was disbanded more than 25 years ago, the post-adolescent males in this country have become lazy, weak, overbearing slobs with no direction. (Of course, this is not every male-don't go there.) They treat others like shit, have no manners & are course & vulgar. Those traits aren't borne out of someone exclusively by military service yet, it DID make a difference in the past. It pointed out things & gave directions for life. Many self-motivated men have, at one time or another, served in the armed forces. They learned discipline & self-worth. They also learned to work as a team player to accomplish things bigger than they are/were. With the exception of the nuts, who are with us, draft or not, what harm can come from mandatory service?

I still say no, but I suggest some form of military/civilian service be required. The details need to be worked out but it's not a bad idea after all.

Yes, I went to the United States Army (Honorable Medical Discharge) as did my father. Oh, my mom met my dad in Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri...they were both stationed there.