I initially voted no, on gut instinct. I've avoided replying, until now, because this issue deserves some serious thought. I still say no-with a caveat.
Since the draft was disbanded more than 25 years ago, the post-adolescent males in this country have become lazy, weak, overbearing slobs with no direction. (Of course, this is not every male-don't go there.) They treat others like shit, have no manners & are course & vulgar. Those traits aren't borne out of someone exclusively by military service yet, it DID make a difference in the past. It pointed out things & gave directions for life. Many self-motivated men have, at one time or another, served in the armed forces. They learned discipline & self-worth. They also learned to work as a team player to accomplish things bigger than they are/were. With the exception of the nuts, who are with us, draft or not, what harm can come from mandatory service?
I still say no, but I suggest some form of military/civilian service be required. The details need to be worked out but it's not a bad idea after all.
Yes, I went to the United States Army (Honorable Medical Discharge) as did my father. Oh, my mom met my dad in Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri...they were both stationed there.