Marxism has taken hold

number two, repetition bores me far more than it does you.
The what are you doing hanging around bulletin boards?

i'm not the broken record that you are. if you can't remember what my opinions are on
health care
gun control
government regulation of... almost anything
eminent domain
bob dole
gay bob dolls
and a whole bunch of other shit...

Perhaps if you stated your stand it might help. Say something constructive instead of saying nothing in a whole new fashion.

*Ignoring spike & his mindless incorrect blather & repetition*
Hell, go back to Lincoln.

No thanks Bucko. Be my fuggin guest. Just be right careful what zip code you choose.

We've given authority over to the government, a piece at a time, to the pount that we're not even noticing the elephant in the living room.

And when we didn't it was imposed at gunpoint.

Y'all still wanna holler about how the 1860's don't bear on events of today?

Time's acomin'. Gas is $4+ a gallon. Everything you buy is higher because of it. Government still taxing us to death on both ends of the paycheck. I recall a bunch of ballyhooed yankees tossin some tea in the water over less. Can't be too much longer before more of my neighbors gonna wish they'd signed the secession roster.

But hey. Y'all go on back to lincoln. Get the screwin you deserve. About fuggin time it got spread around evenly to a few other folk I say. Y'all gonna live long enough to come around to a new way of thinking. Be too late though. You'll have Obama or McCain runnin hope either way there. They both gonna rob you blind and tell you they ain't. They both gonna "set you FREE!!!!" and keep you locked in a sinking system. You'll keep working like a good little [edited for PC reasons, I'm sure y'all can figure it out] and turn more and more of it over to the big Massa up in Warshinton. He'll scratch you on the head and tell you what a good job you're doin' and pitch you a bone every now and again and you'll take it like a lap dog back to your nest and gloat about how free you are.

Yeah. 'Stand beside her and guide her' my happy white ass. It's time to take that bitch and send her on her way and get somebody who'll do what's right. There ain't one real man of gumption and inspiration who calls himself a politician in this country anywhere. If there was, most of y'all wouldn't support him anyway. You're like them poor ol' slaves...tickled to death to be alive and able to earn your miserable keep one more day "Oh no, SnP, you got it all wrong. I'm free. I'm better than that"

Aerosmith said:
Dream on, dream until yo' dream come true..."

Me? I'm gonna do pre-damn-cisely what I said I'd do two or three years ago. I'm gonna sit here and watch it all fall apart. And laugh my fool ass off while it happens. Unlike most of y'all, I've come to grips with the reality that this ol' horse is about shot. Ol' Lady Liberty is on life support and some of you got your mitts on the power cord. Well, yank away brother. Because every tug you make on that cord just brings me one step closer to the very real possibility I've been praying for for goin' on seven years now.

So go ahead. Laugh it up. Let the resident unnamed idiot slash and tear this to shreds. Ain't no skin off my nose. In fact, it's verification of how right I am and have been. You won't acknowledge it because it makes you uncomfortable. Tough titty. Discomfort is the least of your worries. Pull your head out of your ass and look around. Tell me you see something that's gonna work much longer. We live in the longest running democracy in the history of the planet. Means we're on borrowed time and way overdue. Also means I might get to see that constitutional republic what got squashed out of existence way back when good ol' lincoln was runnin' things get a second breath of life.

Bring it. I'm more than ready. And I'll promise you all this one thing right here, right now. If there's breath left in this ol' body when it happens, you can find me in one place the day after it happens. I'll be that guy on the CNN with a four wheel drive and a log chain pullin' that statue up in Warshinton down. Book it. Then and only then will freedom be real. Think of it as catharsis.
*Ignoring spike & his mindless incorrect blather & repetition*

I notice once your hypocrisy is pointed out or when your clearly proven wrong you avoid further comment. Typical.

The fact is it is laughable hearing you mindlessly blather about personal freedoms when you have supported removing them so many times in the past. You've even proposed nanny-state government enforcement of marriage. You're actually over in another current thread now condemning the Supreme Court for ruling that the President can’t lock people up for life without a chance for them to prove their innocence.

Did you think nobody was onto you?
the funny thing is that when other countries or peoples do the fear-mongering shit, it's totally obvious and transparent.

putin's getting a lot of mileage out of anti-american sentiment.

china's milking it too.

fundie muslims bitch about the creeping immorality of western culture.

and then there's gonz, fighting his dragons.


distractions everywhere.
the funny thing is that when other countries or peoples do the fear-mongering shit, it's totally obvious and transparent.

putin's getting a lot of mileage out of anti-american sentiment.

china's milking it too.

fundie muslims bitch about the creeping immorality of western culture.

and then there's gonz, fighting his dragons.


distractions everywhere.

What you don't understand is that he is not speaking to you. It is obvious that your mind is made up.

He is speaking to the myriad of lurkers who come here. Have you ever looked at the stat on how many people are at this site at any given moment? As of this writing the homepage says "Currently Active Users: 84 (5 members and 79 guests)". That would be ~16:1 ratio of lurkers to members.

Get it?
I find it interesting that instead of discussing a serious threat to our liberty, we're discussing my choice of nouns.
Hmm...Canada has free healthcare and, I think, free college tuition. :devious:

Many governments are running for cover from national healthcare. Nothign is as expensive as free.

Another prime example of free...

EUGENE, Ore. — After weeks of bad news, things turned Barbara Wagner’s way this week.

Last month her lung cancer, in remission for about two years, was back.

After her oncologist prescribed a cancer drug that could slow the cancer growth and extend her life, Wagner was notified that the Oregon Health Plan wouldn’t cover it.

It would cover
comfort and care, including, if she chose, doctor-assisted suicide.

So, Oregon has now put a value on human life. Welcome to the future you wanted.

What will your state, or the feds, value yours at?


“We can’t cover everything for everyone,” said Dr. Walter Shaffer, medical director of the state Division of Medical Assistance Programs, which administers the Oregon Health Plan.
I find it interesting that instead of discussing a serious threat to our liberty, we're discussing my choice of nouns.

if you made accurate use of nouns, this thread wouldn't even exist. it's all about your panic labels, chicken little.

hey gonz, you know you'd never be able to support your family had it not been for left-leaning agitators who got labor wages inflated. otherwise you'd be pickin' grapes and whatnot with all those border-hopping "criminals." so you shouldn't be so hard on the lefties. they paved the way for your ass.
...where 85%+ of the electorate routinely turn out for national elections?

Whoopdedoo---- 85%! :rolleyes:

It's widely known that the 2002 leader of Iraq won with a 100% turnout.

Let's see the Frenchie Frenchmen top that.
.... and other nanny state activities of the current pres? ......probably the most anti-personal freedom administration there's ever been....

Did you hear the latest? Bush wins again. Why won't the dems live up to their mandate and take a stand against him? :shrug: After all, no guts, no glory.

In crafting the latest revision of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), House and Senate lawmakers gave President Bush much of what he sought during months of tough negotiations.