Meaning of Life

IMO, the "meaning" of life, other than what might be in the dictionary,
may not even be understandable in human terms. :confused:
In my 'religion', as far as I can tell, it is taught how to live, and prosper,
but not the meaning.
As far as the "how to live", I pretty much concur with Mr. B. ;)
chcr said:
"Better get a bucket, I'm gonna puke."

"But it's wafer thin."


"Which brings us once again to the urgent realisation of just how much there is still left to own. Item six on the agenda: the meaning of life. Now, Harry, you've had some thoughts on this."

HARRY: "That's right. Yeah, I've had a team working on this over the past few weeks, and what we've come up with can be reduced to two fundamental concepts. One: people are not wearing enough hats. Two: matter is energy. In the universe, there are many energy fields which we cannot normally perceive. Some energies have a spiritual source which act upon a person's soul. However, this soul does not exist ab initio, as orthodox Christianity teaches. It has to be brought into existence by a process of guided self-observation. However, this is rarely achieved, owing to man's unique ability to be distracted from spiritual matters by everyday trivia."

"...What was that about hats?"