Medicinal marijuana

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A woman whose doctor says marijuana is the only medicine keeping her alive can face federal prosecution on drug charges, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.

There's one of them there doctors. Marijuana is now a medicine & it has life sustaining qualitites? Wow. Contact the CDC. They may want to investigate that claim.
There's one of them there doctors. Marijuana is now a medicine & it has life sustaining qualitites? Wow. Contact the CDC. They may want to investigate that claim.

I'm just wondering if her pre-emptive suit is a result of the paranoia side-effect of being high 24/7...:devious:
I've never know pot to do that (not saying it doesn't), most stoners I've known couldn't get past the Doritos enough to care.
There's one of them there doctors. Marijuana is now a medicine & it has life sustaining qualitites?

Has always been that way. It's messed up people's stupid hang ups and self righteousness allow them to mess with a dying woman. Her treatment should be between her and her doctor. Everyone else can go mind their own less serious problems.
There's one of them there doctors. Marijuana is now a medicine & it has life sustaining qualitites? Wow. Contact the CDC. They may want to investigate that claim.

The CDC isn't looking into it, per se...but the National Health Org. is, and as they said at the end of this article, the social barriers associated with pot makes it nearly impossible to conduct proper testing on the medical uses of marijuana.
Has always been that way. It's messed up people's stupid hang ups and self righteousness allow them to mess with a dying woman. Her treatment should be between her and her doctor. Everyone else can go mind their own less serious problems.

Except it isn't that simple. I pay health insurance premiums. I ain't wild about that money being spent to keep somebody high. And we all know how much fraud and how many loopholes there are in the system, so yes it would be abused. Same as some meds are now to be certain, but last time I checked Lortab is legal and pot ain't. Wanna toke? Do it on your own dime, not mine.
Want pain meds. Do it on your own dime not mine. Far more prescription abuse happening there.
It's legal in my state. Should be everywhere.

One is also way addictive and the other isn't.
I'm for medical marijuana being treated the same as other prescription drugs. Prescription abuse is a whole different issue.
...and put pot in the hands of untold scrip abusers.

Those swords cut both ways, whatever the argument might be. Wrong is wrong.
Not as bad as putting pain killers in the hands of untold scrip abusers.

Wrong would be taking either away from the people for which either is effective treatment.
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