meeting the man

fury said:
no, really, don't. My phone bill was $120, i went over on my minutes last month. :mope:

One of the many bricks in the wall that led to Brandi not being with me anymore: she ran the cell phone bill up to $500 two months in a row. $120 was a GOOD month.
tonks said:
i've never met any of my online friends...i'd like day.
if you called my house and asked for tonks you would surely get me...that's my 'name'.
If you called my home your only chance of being understood is me attending the phone. Everyone else knows shit of english. My office...same business, though AlladinSane wouldn't ring a bell, but if you say Noite Escura people will know it's about me(it's my MSN name) as long as you can pronouce it acordingly. :D
call here, ask for ash r, and my parents will immediately put you on the phone with me :)

ash r is the name i use in the world. i'm ash to my friends, and many people don't know my full last name, they only know the letter "R".
I had Tonks call me (1800 number)

it was weird, cause she didn't sound like I excpected

no accent, I was almost disappointed, lol
AlladinSane said:
If you called my home your only chance of being understood is me attending the phone. Everyone else knows shit of english. My office...same business, though AlladinSane wouldn't ring a bell, but if you say Noite Escura people will know it's about me(it's my MSN name) as long as you can pronouce it acordingly. :D

Alladin Sane
A Lad Insane
Un pene loco de los perros

Noy tay Ess Cure*a
paul_valaru said:
I had Tonks call me (1800 number)

it was weird, cause she didn't sound like I excpected

no accent, I was almost disappointed, lol
no accent? huh.....disappointed? you suck....paul sounds canadian :D
Prepare to be laughed at if you phone me up at home and ask for Kawaii in English. Try Robin. Preferrably in Swedish.
Inkara1 said:
One of the many bricks in the wall that led to Brandi not being with me anymore: she ran the cell phone bill up to $500 two months in a row. $120 was a GOOD month.
For someone who doesn't make money on a regular basis, $120 is a shitload....
Never been called either, though I'm not lucky enough to have a 1-800 number at my disposal. Besides, no one ever gives me their number :(

Hell, Paul and Uki live 45mins drive from here and I've never met either of them...

Hoon probably lives within about 30mins from my sumer fishin' cabin, but I wouldn't know it if I tripped on him in the river on a sunday morning. Odd, eh?
You don't remember my voice? We did speak for 30 seconds 18 months ago. I coulda swore that we were both posessed of a distinct lack of accents... although after speaking with several Honolulu natives on the plane over, I would have to say that your voice was dead on par with theirs. You certainly don't sound like the Hilo locals. :) Its the slang that is throwing me off. I understand what people are saying... I just don't understand what they are saying. ;). I will just let beer be the universal translator.

We went into your office but you weren't there. We ran into Na's mom instead. I am also sitting through my second class with Ash. There has been so many "See her/him overe there? Thats my cousin", that I have resigned myself to utter confusion. I need a flowchart with pictures to help me.

Thank yoooo. I never thought of myself as having such a voice. Some days I sound good. Other days I feel like I'm sounding goofy. I remember your voice as well. I think we only spoke once, long, long ago. *add lamenting violin solo here*
There's no flow chart big enough that can help with this confusing tangled mass we call a family ... :D

The scary thing is that if we go back far enough, I'd probably find out I'm related to my husband somehow ... I'm too scared to look :alienhuh:
kuulani said:
There's no flow chart big enough that can help with this confusing tangled mass we call a family ... :D

The scary thing is that if we go back far enough, I'd probably find out I'm related to my husband somehow ... I'm too scared to look :alienhuh:
You realize of course that in Alabama you wouldn't have to look that far back? :lol:

Speaking of speaking and voices, people say I sound like two different people when I'm talking or singing. I think I sound about the same. :shrug:
Well, I have talked to Unc on more than one occasion. The first time I was taken aback cause I expect rough abd burley voice but once I was over the initial shock his voice is very pleasant. I have also talked to Prof...just once I think...but I have also left him a few messages on his answering machine since he says he enjoys my voice :shrug: