Michael Moore: thief extradanoire

HomeLAN said:
No he hasn't sold out. He's always been a dedicated capitalist. That's one reason I find his situation so ironic.

Believe me, no one was happier to see Disney refuse to distribute this film than Moore. Free publicity, and scads of it!
You mean he *gasp!* does it for the money????? :lol:
Michael Moore: My Hero!

Oh Yes indeed
that was part of what I found so funny
about the interview I saw from 2002!
He was basically bragging about being in
the the 50% tax bracket

America What a country!
I think a lot of you won't see this film because you are afraid! The reviews are not really challenging the facts yet this time, but still if it's all full of lies and inconsistancies (which you can't name because you haven't even seen it), why not see it? You who hold contrary beliefs are the ones who should see it! You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, unless you are afraid it might challenge you cherished beliefs, but even if it won't challenge your beliefs maybe you won't see it because you fear it will change other's beliefs.
markjs said:
I think a lot of you won't see this film because you are afraid!

But then again maybe we won't see the film because we wish this socialist piece of shit fat guy would dry up & go away. I will not pass along one single dollar to him or his agenda.

Afraid? I've been consistent for over a year & the facts that I believed are appearing daily.
markjs said:
I think a lot of you won't see this film because you are afraid! The reviews are not really challenging the facts yet this time, but still if it's all full of lies and inconsistancies (which you can't name because you haven't even seen it), why not see it? You who hold contrary beliefs are the ones who should see it! You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, unless you are afraid it might challenge you cherished beliefs, but even if it won't challenge your beliefs maybe you won't see it because you fear it will change other's beliefs.

Let's see...give my money to a man whose ideas I disagree with on a challenge to my emotions, or ignore challenge and keep my money in my pocket...Such a tough choice, markjs. Perhaps you can make that choice easier...:lol:

How about just flushing my money down the toilet? :rofl:
Heck, most of you know I don't disagree with some of what he says, but he's such a self-righteous toad. Besides, I think he plays fast and loose with the facts in order to make his position seem more viable. That simply pisses me off. I'll wait until it comes on cable, like I did with the last one.
markjs said:
I think a lot of you won't see this film because you are afraid! ... You who hold contrary beliefs are the ones who should see it!
Every dollar I make (a whopping $8 an hour before taxes, or about $6.96 an hour after) comes from me pushing carts and loading 90-lb. bags of concrete into people's cars in the hot sun. What's really fun are the times I have to load 248-lb. Mill's Pride cabinets into a truck by myself. My feet are in terrible shape and after spending eight hours a day on them, constantly going from one side of the lot to the other, I can barely walk from the car to the house when I get home. A really expensive pair of Wolverine DuraShocks boots only added some deep and painful blisters to the mix.

What's the point of that last paragraph? I have to put my body through an awful lot to make a living. When I get my paycheck every two weeks, those dollars mean something to me because I had to sweat them all out. With that perspective on where my money comes from, I'm not about to part with some of it to support someone whose ideas I don't agree with if I don't have to. I don't have to support Michael Moore, so I won't.

If I were going to do that, then I may as well load a few more sliding glass doors into people's trucks so I could make a $2,000 donation to John Kerry, and I should start kicking myself for sending the credit card offer I got from the Democratic National Committee through my dad's shredder.
chcr said:
he's such a self-righteous toad.

There has to be a joke, one not about Moore, in here that would piss off just about everybody so I'll keep it to myself. Thanks anyway for the memories. ;)

Inky, you egotistical, self-centered, miserly, little proletariat, don't you know there are people who can't do the job you do nor make the money you make so you need to share your wealth. Ingrate. :D
$21,000,000. Nice opening weekend. Not Passion of the Christ but not too shabby. He says
MOORE: 'We sold out in Fayetteville, home of Fort Bragg, We sold out in Army-base towns. We set house records in some of these places. We set single-day records in a number of theaters. We got standing ovations in Greensboro, N.C... The biggest news to me this morning is this is a red-state movie. Republican states are embracing the movie, and it's sold out in Republican strongholds all over the country...

question is, what happens next weekend.
Gonz said:
$21,000,000. Nice opening weekend. Not Passion of the Christ but not too shabby. He says

question is, what happens next weekend.
Yeah, not bad considering his competition, White Chicks. Not bad at all. :rolleyes:

I saw it. I did not pay for it, and the crowd filled less than half the theater for the 9:50 showing on a Saturday night. A friend was in the 7pm showing, and said the attendance was similar. The movie was exactly how I expected. In fact, I got more entertainment value from watching and listening to the crowd around me react than the movie itself.

"Wow, is that true?"

"Thats bullshit! How did he get away with that?"

"Oh my god, I had no idea!"

Its both hilarious and disturbing how the majority of people in that theater reacted to the movie. It got a standing ovation at the end. The sad thing is, I know someone (if not more) went home thinking they learned how things really happened.

There's a great editorial on Slate about it, if you get some free time.
Michael Moore: Poster child for the Left.

Hmmm the Lefties are trying to distance themselves
from ol' Mikey!
Hah too funny!

So many of the things that he's spoutin' have
been past Dem. talking points. Yeah try and run away!
Havn't seen it...may pass on it. It's not my type of film. What I would like to see though, is that George W. Bush being as critically examined for what he has and has not done as MM has been since this movie came out.

People are willing to give up hours of research and energy trying to knock the film down and it's director as well, find inconsistencies, picketing, writing letters to their Governors etc... but turn a blind eye to everything their political leaders do.

As I understand it...the film is a series of news clippings with quotes and a certain amount of rhetoric added for colour. MM can't fake the clippings, can't fake the quotes etc... he can put them slightly out of context for emphasis' sake but he can't lie outright (manufacture quotes etc...)

So...if he's getting all his clips from real life...why isn't anyone looking into the background of the person from whom those quotes and clips come from?

Yeah...he's the President, and you ahve to respect that position, if not the man holding it...but he is human. He's made mistakes....MM is trying to shine a light on those errors and everyone else is trying to kick the spotlight from ouot of his hands.

Whats the matter...afraid that he might be right and that the President is human after all?