Minx Spike, wrap duct tape around your head >>

I'd like to believe that. Seems a little iffy after you talking about your superior Northern European genes making your kids look "normal" in spite of your wife's inferior Non Northern European genes. That seemed pretty blatant.

Man your just jealous of my genes aren't you?

Naw, genes are the issue. I'd lay my like life down for my wife and/or children.

I don't think I would waste my batteries to call 911 for you, maybe though.
Man your just jealous of my genes aren't you?

Oh hell no.

Naw, genes are the issue.

Yes, I know.

I'd lay my like life down for my wife and/or children.

I don't doubt it. The point was the bigotry you showed off when you declared your Northern European genes superior to your wife's. And that your genes were the only reason your kids look "normal".

So we've got that, you're bigotry against muslims, your bigotry against women (when you suggested we were better off before we let them vote and that women generally weren't qualified for the presidency), your bigotry against gays and lesbains, etc.

I don't think I would waste my batteries to call 911 for you, maybe though.

trolling. whatever.
Sorry for the typo there, that should have been: Genes "aren't" the issue.

Genes are fantastic, I love mine. I couldn't imagine having any other genes. I think they are the bestest! (you seem to confusing that with a superiority complex)

Really though, you have it sooooooooooo wrong. There ARE differences with men and women, that why they can marry, consummate the marriage and produce children.

It's also true that I don't think radical Islam is compatible with the American way of life, it is the religion of pieces. They are 'prolly better off over where they can blow each other up. Maybe once they resolve that issue things can work out better for them here.

Gays? lol -- whatever, I think the militant gays have taken over, like you insist a gay man MUST support gay issues and not his constituency, they people who elected him.

BUT damn it man, you sure do hate Christian. Of course you believe they all come from the right, except when if fits you to say most democrats are Christians. (you know hilter sorta banned religion once he gained power right?)


I just went swimming at the local pool, there were some BLACK and MEXICAN people swimming there too. Do you think I'll be OK or should I worry about the gene pool?
I know why you hate Christians so much. I mean just the phrase JudeoChristian values, which isn't even a religion, frightens you.

See its those same JudeoChristian values which are capable of putting an end to you political aims. A person doesn't need to be a Christian to share in JudeoChristin values. Winky and Gonz, both godless heathens, share in those same values, the values on which upon this great nation are founded. Cerise and Jim, maybe others too, although i can't speak to their beliefs.

It's not so much the church(s) that will stop you, its the values system that you fear.

Good luck, our values system makes it OK unleash hell on others.

Yuri is an authority on the subject of "Ideological Subversion" and useful idiots.

Watch him again, see where you fall in what he talks about.
Genes are fantastic, I love mine. I couldn't imagine having any other genes. I think they are the bestest! (you seem to confusing that with a superiority complex)

What was the part about looking "normal" as if they looked more like your wife that wouldn't be "normal".

Really though, you have it sooooooooooo wrong. There ARE differences with men and women, that why they can marry, consummate the marriage and produce children.

Does nothing to explain why you think it was better before they could vote and why you think they're not qualified to be pres.

It's also true that I don't think radical Islam is compatible with the American way of life, it is the religion of pieces.

I didn't say anything about radical Islam. I said Muslims.

Gays? lol -- whatever, I think the militant gays have taken over

I didn't mention militant gays (whatever that is) I mentioned gays/lesbians which you certainly seem to be bigoted against.

BUT damn it man, you sure do hate Christian.

Nope, you're making up crap again.

Of course you believe they all come from the right

Nope, making up crap again.

(you know hilter sorta banned religion once he gained power right?)

Looked for info on that and couldn't find any. Found this though.

Got a link?

I just went swimming at the local pool, there were some BLACK and MEXICAN people swimming there too. Do you think I'll be OK or should I worry about the gene pool?

Why wouldn't you be ok?
I know why you hate Christians so much. I mean just the phrase JudeoChristian values, which isn't even a religion, frightens you.

Neither is true. You're making up crap.

See? This is your only tactic besides trolling. Make up crap I didn't say and then try to argue against it.

I'm going to catch it every time and you're going to look foolish. But then you think "Maybe it will work this time!" and then it doesn't. But you'll keep on trying the same thing because I guess it's all you have.

See its those same JudeoChristian values which are capable of putting an end to you political aims.

Fictional fantasy crap.

A person doesn't need to be a Christian to share in JudeoChristin values. Winky and Gonz, both godless heathens, share in those same values

Winky christian values? :lol2:

I don't think you understand how not similar to Christ Winky is. You must not know much about Jesus.

the values on which upon this great nation are founded.

You're thinking of enlightenment values.

It's not so much the church(s) that will stop you, its the values system that you fear.

I don't fear either. You made that up.

Good luck, our values system makes it OK unleash hell on others.

Ok, you obviously don't know much at all about Jesus.
What was the part about looking "normal" as if they looked more like your wife that wouldn't be "normal".

I like that my kids look like me, its the best thing evah! so what? I bet your kids shine with your best qualities of you.

Does nothing to explain why you think it was better before they could vote and why you think they're not qualified to be pres.
men are just better at that type of role. Like the fact that women, in general terms, are better at raising children.

I didn't say anything about radical Islam. I said Muslims.
Same thing pretty much.

I didn't mention militant gays (whatever that is) I mentioned gays/lesbians which you certainly seem to be bigoted against.
I'm not surprised you don't understand the term. Gay is gay, show me one successful civilization that was gay that we should follow?

Nope, you're making up crap again.

Hurr derr derp!
Really Spike, I'm not all insecure like you. My thoughts are not anything like you are trying to characterize them. I don't hang-out with pussies who can't handle getting razzed a little. If i tell my black friend "I'm gonna lynch you if you don't that food BBQ'd" He laughs and keeps cooking, he doesn;'t call the NAACP. -- If he says "you're to damn pastey to be dancing like that" I don't get butt-hurt, I say 'show me how it's done then bongo-boy"

See^ , that's how we do it when we get all RAcIsT. And best of all, we're cool with it becuase we're just fucking cool like that. Shame you can't be cool too.

stay classy spike
I like that my kids look like me, its the best thing evah! so what?

It was the part where they wouldn't look "normal" if they looked like her. You keep avoiding that huh?

men are just better at that type of role. Like the fact that women, in general terms, are better at raising children.

There's the bigotry. Do you have any evidence to back that up or is that something else you made up? You know women are all different right? They have different experiences and education and there's no reason they wouldn't be qualified just because they're a woman.

Same thing pretty much.

More bigotry. Looks like you don't know much about Muslims. The great majority are not radical. Just like the great majority of Christians aren't radical.

You have made up more fiction that you've convinced yourself is true.

I'm not surprised you don't understand the term. Gay is gay, show me one successful civilization that was gay that we should follow?

WTF are you talking about gay civilization? Many successful countries allow same sex marriage. There's no reason to think a country is going to be more successful by promoting bigotry towards homosexuals like yours.

Really Spike, I'm not all insecure like you.

I'm not insecure at all. You made up more shit to troll.

My thoughts are not anything like you are trying to characterize them. I don't hang-out with pussies who can't handle getting razzed a little.

Me either.

See^ , that's how we do it when we get all RAcIsT. And best of all, we're cool with it becuase we're just fucking cool like that. Shame you can't be cool too.

Good for you. You have no chance of being as cool as me though.

stay classy spike

Will do!
It's true, it is the JudeoChristian values this nation was founded on that you fear.

You made that shit up. And the nation was founded on enlightenment values.

You're incapable of having a factual rational debate.

It's those same values you seeking to destroy, its the only way your commie shit can take this nation.

You made up more shit. This really is one of your only tactics.

Made up shit and trolling and running away when you're proven wrong.

Did you find any evidence for your claim "hitler banned religion" yet? I really want to see it.
OK Spike, technically you're right.

I see you passed on the first google entry, your beloved Wiki, and went with rinse.com instead -- But why? (picky boy)

Seems the Nazi party, like you, felt a threatened from religion. Hitler believed it would die out on its own.

From the mid 1930s, anti-Christian elements within the Nazi party became more prominent - they were restrained by Hitler, who thought religion would die by itself as science advanced.[9] Nevertheless the Party began to suppress religious teaching, closed religious youth movements and excluded religious instruction from the Hitler Youth. The public collection of money for religious charities was forbidden. In 1937 all confessing church seminaries and teaching was banned. Dissident Protestants were forbidden to attend universities, and state-sponsored denominational and private religious schools were closed. During Hitler's dictatorship, more than 6,000 clergymen, on the charge of treasonable activity, were imprisoned or executed.[9] The same measures were taken in the occupied territories, in French Lorraine, the Nazis forbid religious youth movements, parish meetings, scout meetings, and church assets were taken. Church schools were closed, and teachers in religious orders were dismissed. The episcopal seminary was closed, and the SA and SS desecrated churches, religious statutes and pictures; 300 clergy were expelled from the Lorraine region, monks and nuns were deported or forced to renounce their vows.[56]

So maybe not banned, just killed murdered, and closed down under for the greater good.

Gee, there goes your "Hitler was s Christian right-winger" argument. Those silly Nazi's we're anti-Christian, just like you do. whoodathunk it?


Yuri has you nailed.
The German Christians, (Deutsche Christen) constituted the strongest Protestant movement in Germany after the 1932 Church elections, with the aim of synthesising Christianity with the ideology of National Socialism. There were various groups within the Deutsche Christen, some more radical than others, but united in the goal of establishing a national socialist Protestantism [27] Deutsche Christen abolished what they considered to be Jewish traditions in Christianity, and some but not all rejected the Old Testament altogether. They rejected academic theology as sterile and not populist enough and were often anti-Catholic. On November 1933, A Protestant mass rally of the Deutsche Christen, which brought together a record 20,000 people, passed three resolutions:

* Adolf Hitler is the completion of the reformation,
* Baptized Jews are to be dismissed from the Church
* The Old Testament is to be excluded from Sacred Scriptures.[28]

A claim exists that Adolf Hitler converted to Protestantism and joined the German Christians, according to the National Secretary Klundt on April 25, 1933, in Königsberg, Eastern Prussia.[29] An official confirmation or denial was not issued by the Chancellor. But Gerhard Engel, one of Hitler's generals, reported that Hitler had told him: "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so" (in an entry in Engel's diary during 1941).[30]

Soon after their takeover of power in Germany, the Nazi government resumed talks with the Holy See concerning the establishment of a concordat. Previously, concordats, regulating the relation between the Catholic Church and the state, had been established in Bavaria (1924), Prussia (1929) and Baden (1932), but talks had failed on a federal level for several reasons. The Reichskonkordat was signed on July 20, 1933.

Like the idea of the Reichskonkordat, the notion of a Protestant Reich Church, which would unify the Protestant Churches, also had been considered previously.[19] Hitler had discussed the matter as early as 1927 with Ludwig Müller, who was at that time the military chaplain of Königsberg.[19]


Hitler's views on christianity were conflicting often:

But your idea that he banned religion is false.

Gee, there goes your "Hitler was s Christian right-winger" argument.

Nazis are certainly right wing. Whether he was christian is debatable.

He definitely didn't ban all religion. So you were wrong.
"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so"

Yes, that is true, however, not in the sense you are thinking, spike. When one is baptized, one will always be Catholic (yes, that means you too, spike).

Hitler was a lapsed Catholic, just as you are.
Yes, that is true, however, not in the sense you are thinking, spike. When one is baptized, one will always be Catholic (yes, that means you too, spike).

Nope, I am in no sense a Catholic. Unlike Hitler who considered himself a Catholic.
Nope, I am in no sense a Catholic. Unlike Hitler who considered himself a Catholic.

You have the indelible mark, spike, just as Hitler did. You will always be Catholic.

Your current status is roughly something along the lines of an apostate/lapsed/heretic.
You have the indelible mark, spike, just as Hitler did. You will always be Catholic.

Bullshit, I have no mark. Just because some weird people threw some water on my face when I could not consent doesn't mean a thing.

Let's suppose some cult threw some Tang on your face when you were little and said "he forever will be a Fighter against the reptilian agenda!".

Would you now still be considered part of their cult?

Your current status is roughly something along the lines of an apostate/lapsed/heretic.

No, my current status is one of the majority of people who don't follow Catholicism.