Missing Georgia...

OK, so you apparently have a bunch of overcapacity in your police department, since they don't actually investigate crimes. I don't think that's the case here.
HomeLAN said:
The woman, for not foreseeing reasonable responses to her actions and taking steps to prevent them. It's called negligence.

That could be a case to be brought before your legislators. Leaving is not a criminal act. She is not required to portend to know the actions of others. Make a law saying she should be & the story is different.
HomeLAN said:
OK, so you apparently have a bunch of overcapacity in your police department, since they don't actually investigate crimes. I don't think that's the case here.

Ever been burglarized? I have. Twice (Phoenix & Los Angeles). The cops show up, take a report, get prints, if possible & tell you to call your insurance agent. If they get lucky & get a match on teh prints, the DA will plea it down to trespassing & get a hundred dollar fine & 6 months probabtion.
I'm not talking criminal. I think they've got an uphill battle there, and a felony is probably overkill. I'm talking more about costs. Civil court. Liability. Hers.

I'm sorry, I realize you're arguing for freedom of movement, but you backed the wrong horse for that argument. The root issue here is negligence.
Gonz said:
Ever been burglarized? I have. Twice (Phoenix & Los Angeles). The cops show up, take a report, get prints, if possible & tell you to call your insurance agent. If they get lucky & get a match on teh prints, the DA will plea it down to trespassing & get a hundred dollar fine & 6 months probabtion.

Yeah, I have. I still don't think it's a write-off since nothing is likely to get done. Shit, man, legalize it. That way, we won't even have to fill out those pesky reports.
Conceal Carry Weapons permits and/or private property rights make reports useless ;)
Oh Christ, I agree with Gonz and Winky.

The fact of the matter here is that the family was influential. The family persuaded the cops to launch this massive manhunt. As Gonz said, if it had been some waitress/stripper the cops would have told them she probably just ran away and left it at that. The fact is that he cops got duped, not by bug-eyes, but by her family, who in turn got duped by bug-eyes. I am also still hanging on to the idea that I would know if my wife decided to just take off, same as my wife would know before I just left. I may not say I'm leaving, but she would sure have an idea that's what I was going to do.
I am also still hanging on to the idea that I would know if my wife decided to just take off, same as my wife would know before I just left. I may not say I'm leaving, but she would sure have an idea that's what I was going to do.

So, you're comfy enough in your ability to read your spouse's mind (and she yours) that you would feel no need to leave a note?

Quick, what was she planning on having for lunch today?
Chinese, Panda Cafe across the street from where she works. But then, my wife and I talk to each other too.
I knew that about 8 last night actually.

The point I'm trying to make is that the family should (and did) have some idea that she was just running away. The family stated that they thought it was a possibility after unleashing every agency they could on the case. If it was a possibility, they should have said that up front, and I'm quite sure the overtime could have been put under 40k.
Gonz said:
Ever been burglarized? I have. Twice (Phoenix & Los Angeles). The cops show up, take a report, get prints, if possible & tell you to call your insurance agent. If they get lucky & get a match on teh prints, the DA will plea it down to trespassing & get a hundred dollar fine & 6 months probabtion.

But you see, this isn't Phoenix or LA. Neither is where she vamoosed from. Outside the country's metropolitan areas, people have an expectation of actual justice. We have that because it's been prosecuted.

What I "damn well know" is how the courts in this county do business. And trust me, you do NOT want to commit a felony in this Judicial district. I can provide a seemingly endless string of witnesses to that statement...I see them every Tuesday.

If you want your law enforcement officers spending their time (and by proxy, your money) scouring the countryside for a spoiled little bug eyed debutante who creates a stir because she isn't sure she can emotionally handle the stress of a large wedding, be my guest. Have at it. Just do me a favor the next time you start to bitch about police service and keep it to yourself. Or better still, go relieve some of the cops searching for her yourself. I'm sure they have better things they could be doing.
If I had a quarter for every time I heard some soon-to-be-ex husband or wife say "I never saw it coming" I'd be a rich man.

If you think she has no secrets, or that you'd "just know", you're deluding yourself.
PT said:
The point I'm trying to make is that the family should (and did) have some idea that she was just running away. The family stated that they thought it was a possibility after unleashing every agency they could on the case. If it was a possibility, they should have said that up front, and I'm quite sure the overtime could have been put under 40k.

That's part of the point. They had no clue. Her best friend said she was excited about getting married.
I don't bitch about police service. I realize they are getting screwed no matter what they do. I do think they focus on silly crap like like traffic violations when they should be stopping the hooigans down the street.

I love the idea of harassing alleged drug dealers. Go to their door, pound on it, yell POLICE! & wander back to the squad car. After half a dozen times of this, send in the narcs. They'll find what they're after. Keep the cops busy & the bad guys nervous.
HomeLAN said:
If I had a quarter for every time I heard some soon-to-be-ex husband or wife say "I never saw it coming" I'd be a rich man.

If you think she has no secrets, or that you'd "just know", you're deluding yourself.

Once the shock is over, I bet a vast majority would say they knew something was amiss. Maybe they couldn't pinpoint a day or an event but if you live with someone long enough, you get tuned to them. A feeling is fleeting but it still exists.
And meanwhile, as we wait for the shock to abate, we shouldn't call the cops. They might just be out for coffee and decided to take a stroll. In Idaho.
And now, the bitch might get rich from a book deal off it.

Runaway deal?: Fresh from copping a plea to faking her own abduction, "Runaway Bride" Jennifer Wilbanks seems ready to cash in. I hear that Queen of All Media Judith Regan is close to inking a mid-six-figure deal with the 32-year-old Wilbanks and her on-again, off-again future husband, John Mason, that includes movie-of-the-week rights (possibly for NBC) and a network television interview - maybe with Katie Couric. No comments all around.


Let's hope this is just idle rumor, especially considering she only paid 1/3 of the city's costs.
Alright, if she makes a book/movie deal out of it, then the proceeds should go to the law enforcement agencies involved.