Mixed blessing for our environment

SouthernN'Proud said:
Bahstahn sounds like a fine place. Everybody up that way's perfect, why wouldn't anyone want to be there? Or at least to hear the relocated yankees that dwell in these parts, it's perfect there and everything we do is bass ackwards. I suppose I should be thankful that these enlightened souls deigned to dwell in my midst so they can show me all the multitudinous errors of my ways. Funny though...I'm not. I just start thinking about shotguns and shovels...:shrug:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SouthernN'Proud again.
I've lived in old neighborhoods where the neighbors weren't 15 ft away. I lived in on-base housing where the neighbors were 6 inches away. Now I live on 36 acres --- the nearest house is about 200 yards away.

I still see no reason to encroach on the New River Gorge just because some twit with money wants a view. There is property enough to build on, leaving some places relatively untouched for future generations to enjoy. That place gives you the sense of what our forefathers saw when they first headed off into the unknown west of the colonies.
But it's not as purty. Or exclusive. Yeah, d'ya think that might have something to do with it? Up at our cottage, one side of the lake is rustic, small cottages. The other is million dollar manors on terraced cliffs. Guess which one was the encroachers.
BeardofPants said:
Yep, in the meantime "the fat-ass suburbanite with his 1/2 acre and backyard pool"'s will continue to lead to increasing subdivisions. :shrug:
Hey!!! I'll bet my pool isn't more than a quarter-acre. :p
BeardofPants said:
People and their obsessions with having single family dwellings and the quarter-acre dream don't help either. Until we can get our heads around the limited resources thing, there will be continued subdivisions tearing up the green networks. :shrug:

Quarter acre is a nightmare. I got 3 1/2 acres and still too close to other people.

It's like this. The majority of y'all seem to prefer living in cities. What is it, something like 70% of the population is in an urban or metropolitan setting? Suburban at the very least.

So with 70% of the people choosing to live on 2% of the land, I don't see the argument of overcrowded limited resources. Plenty of land left for public land. National parks, national forests, etc are public. We all own it, and we all have right of use and enjoyment. Just because Bradley Beemer wants a third summer home for the fifth wife and the kids to use on Labor Day weekend doesn't move me to sympathy for his plight. Keep yer ass in your Midtown luxury condo since it's where you chose to live.

Those of us who choose to live in a rural area, to borrow the argument I hear all the time, "sacrifice" so much. We aren't within walking distance of a Starbucks. We don't have Olive Garden at our disposal on those occasions when we just don't feel like cooking tonight. So naturally, we should want all your city clutter, pollution, traffic, noise, litter, crime, and such to be imposed on us...right? I mean, look at all we're missing!


So we buy land. Not because we need it. Because we don't want McDonald's across the road. Because we don't want Our Shit Don't Stink Acres (a gated community, managed by Better Than You Properties LLC) and its attendant soccer fields and "nature strolls" and all that around us. Because, in short, we don't want YOU around us. We're happy. We like listening to whippoorwills at night instead of some thug's thumpitty-bump rap stereo. We enjoy quiet afternoons without 417 lawnmowers and string trimmers. We choose to be deprived of a Burger King every 30 yards so we can have something to look at besides gang graffiti on the side of the Midas shop.

And now, we should allow our national parks, the last bastion free from billboards and electric poles and just all that never-ending overpowering damn DISSONANCE to encroach, because other people live in apartments?

Not today, and not on my watch.
SandP said:
Because we don't want McDonald's across the road. Because we don't want Our Shit Don't Stink Acres (a gated community, managed by Better Than You Properties LLC) and its attendant soccer fields and "nature strolls" and all that around us.

Glad to see somebody hates the FUCKING HOAs as much as I do. If I don't feel like mowing the lawn I won't mow the lawn. If I want to paint the house why should I put in a request to recieve a "prefered" color to paint my castle...
Bish was looking at summat like that for his first house. I don't need to tell you my response. but it might have been mistranslated by someone as "you're having intercourse with a bag of acorns."
It doesn't have to be completely house-free to look nice though, as long as the houses are small.


The view from the boat. Note the houses, and how they don't detract from the view. Our house is about an eighth of a mile behind the boat. The entire lake is about a mile long.
highwayman said:
Glad to see somebody hates the FUCKING HOAs as much as I do.

The day the Housing Association pays my mortgage 2 things will happen...

I'll allow them to tell me how to control my property AND I'll begin looking for a new place to live.
Gonz said:
The day the Housing Association pays my mortgage 2 things will happen...

I'll allow them to tell me how to control my property AND I'll begin looking for a new place to live.

Amen dude, if the asswhipes want to tell me how to deal with my property they will pay my mortgage...That is when I move...

There is NO WAY some freak on a power trip will tell me what color my house is painted..