mmmmmmmmmmmm... extra large double double!


Staff member
We went away over the weekend, it was a four hour drive northeast, and there seems to be a conspiracy :eek6: in that there were NO Tim Horton's Coffe Shop anywhere :crying6: along the way. We reached the destination and none in the vicinity, on the way home, we chose another route where we'd be guaranteed to find one (Highway 401).

And after 70 kilometers, there it was, a beautiful sight to behold... and $3.00 later, *sighs happily* manna from heaven...

Is there a coffeeshop you yearn for?


pic_6498.jpg, 99.10kb

*will only drink Starbucks if really really desperate*

I like Borders coffee ... but here we have a few local coffee shops and they're excellent .. I love Kope Kope and Java Junction ... absophreakinglutely phabulous .. if you're ever on the island Leslie, we'll go get coffee .. then when we're wide awake, we'll drink beer for the rest of the night :D
I've never heard of Seattle's Best, but I think anything can beat Starbucks, blech!

heehee nalani, that's what we did last week! Doing it again sounds real good!
not really, i can drink coffee almost everywher, or at least try it. :D

Even thou, my gastroenterologist (sp??) forbid me to drink coffee about 2 years ago (until i was cured), i got cured, and i'm not a coffee drinker anymore (decided to quit it).
i try to avoid starbucks too, i like home-made hot lava java filter coffee. takes the side of your head off :)
coffee is gross.

chai rules. as well as raspberry or mint flavored hot chocolate.

water is god of all drinks.

[b said:
]coffee is gross.

chai rules. as well as raspberry or mint flavored hot chocolate.

water is god of all drinks.

Chai is the bomb! I love that stuff ... :)
Chai is an type of tea drink from India. It can be served hot, or as I like it, iced. It does have a lot of spices in it, but I wouldn't say it's like drinking a potpourri garden.

If you don't like the taste or smell of cloves, you definitely want to stay away.

You can read more about it here

I've never made it myself. I usually buy it from Barnes & Noble or Barnie's Coffee & Tea. I think Barnie's makes the best.

Whatever's on sale :coffee:

Does anyone drink coffee all day long? I don't see how people can do that. I have two cups in the morning and that's all.