More troops for Iraq

Let us try, please....and I am not just picking on you. I know that Spike enjoys riling you up.
Anyway, whatever. Let us not rise to the occasion, m-kay?

Also, let me just take this opportunity to throw out that, as a mother of 2 small children, I am aware that it takes 2 to tango and am unaccustomed to singling out an offender in any given situation.
Should anyone feel that they are being unfairly treated feel free to voice your opinions to me via PM. Thank you very much and go play before I send you all to time out.
Ah, but the Iraqis didn't go along with the plan and it's Iraqis planting the roadside bombs for the most part.

Iraqis did cheer the downfall & they did cheer the rise of Democracy and they are not the primary attackers.

Ann Coulter said:
...the plans that were implemented have deposed a monster, put him on trial – which resulted in his conviction and death sentence – killed rape hobbyists Uday and Qusay, presided over three democratic elections, killed al-Zarqawi and scores of other al-Qaida leaders fighting Americans in Iraq, and kept the U.S. safe from Islamic terrorist attacks for five years now.
Since spike has never been to Iraq, and can only go by what he wants to read, he can be forgiven for that ignorance. He cannot be forgiven for not looking outside his own sources for information that is readily available, though. Kinda like putting ones head in the sand...
Originally Posted by Ann Coulter

1. Might try quoting a sane person if you want to make a point.

2. What was Saddam (aka Satan, evidently) convicted of again?
Read your Bible.

Judging others ain't your strong suit. I have no idea what might be, but I am certain it ain't that.

Give aid and comfort to the enemy all you like. Coddle up to their religious madmen until the cows come home. Folk like you are not new, enlightened, unique, or cute. Some day when you grow up you will realize how foolish this crusade of yours is. If you haven't been beheaded as an infidel first.

We weren't talking about the enemy, we were talking about you wanting to bomb civilians which (having read the bible) I don't think Jesus would approve of. Remember?

I don't know why you need to go off on a tangent and make up weird accusations. I'm guessing you don't want to admit it's not a very christ-like attitude.
Iraqis did cheer the downfall & they did cheer the rise of Democracy and they are not the primary attackers.

Some Iraqis cheered, a lot say things were better under saddam. Iraqis are the primary attackers (by far) which I have posted evidence for before. If you have some new evidence to the contrary I'd like to see it.
Since spike has never been to Iraq, and can only go by what he wants to read, he can be forgiven for that ignorance. He cannot be forgiven for not looking outside his own sources for information that is readily available, though. Kinda like putting ones head in the sand...

Head in the sand? You mean like reading only Fox News like you do? Apparently since you have been to Iraq there's no forgiveness for your ignorance.