Mother&^#$##&%&% Linux

Oh well shit. That's ok, It worked at startup, everything is mounted, nicely organized. Now, about a good video player...

Don't guess theres any way to play .wmv's in linux is there?
cool.....ummm.....'fraid that one's outta my league ;)

tommyj27 would probably know better than I :)
i believe mplayer will play wmv, i used to use it to play wma before i ditched the wma library and rencoded with ogg, if i remember right there's a lot of hoops you have to jump through to make it work. there should be info on the net or in justlinux.
Ok, one more thing. It's recognizing my video card as a Geforce 2 DDR.

I've got a Geforce 4 MX 440 SDram. Don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I can't play TuxRacer. It starts up ok, just really, really, slow.
You need a special driver. I think I have a link to it at home. I'll check back when I get there and post it if you haven't already solved the problem by then. Mandrake has excellent support for ATI card and spotty for everything else, but I know there's a fix for the GeForce.

Edit: BTW, TuxRacer is cool.
download the linux drivers from nvidia site, if you can't find the ones that are appropiate for your distro version, just get the generic srpm ones, those compiled just fine in my mdk 9.
Linux IA32
Latest Version: 1.0-4363

Linux IA64
Latest Version: 1.0-4050

Linux AMD64
Latest Version: 1.0-4180

Free BSD
Latest Version: 1.0-3203

OK, I've got a Geforce 4 Mx 440, which one is that? It's an AMD XP1800, does that mean I use the AMD64? I've never even heard of the IA32 or IA64, I don't think it's the Free BSD, as I'm running Mandrake. Help?
IA32 for Pentium and Athlon. I think its actually the openGL support that gets you in trouble.
Yes, use IA32 (aka i586 or x86), that is, if you installed the x86 version of Mandrake. ;)
Ok, I'm just going to go beat my head against a wall for a bit. This dependency crap is shitty.

First it said it needed binutils installed, so I did, after installing two more files that IT needed. Then, the installer starts again, now it needs a Kernel Header file or some shit. It's in a log file, I'll look at it later. It's no wonder this OS is not taking off like it should. This is almost too much crap for me to deal with, I can't imagine going mainstream with this.
dude, which packages did you install?

You need to install 2 modules, the kernel one, and the "other" (can't remember the name), if you follow the "instructions for the impatient" :D it should go fine.
It says now you only need to install the one. That they did away with the two package system. There is only one file.
OK, I'm trying one of the older versions. It has two files, the first is the GLX, the second has three options, UP, SMP, or Enterprise. for Mandrake 9.0

Any idea which one?