it _should_ work the way mirlyn described it, but according to the samba docs the preferred way is to call smbmount from mount, example
mount -t smbfs //remotepcname/share /mnt -o username=foo
i think that i the correct syntax but i may be wrong, i can check tomorrow if that doesn't work. also, i don't think you need to be root to mount shares either, as long as you have permissions to the folder you're using as a mount point, which can be anything, like /home/PT/mp3. if it says it's mounting but you can't see any files try running mount w/o any options, that should show you all the mounted filesystems.
another place to check out is, the forums there can be a goldmine of tip and tricks, i was there earlier today, took me 5 minutes to find the answer i could have read documentation all day to not find.
hope this helps,