Mother&^#$##&%&% Linux


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Ok, I installed Mandrake 9.0. Looks pretty good, found everything except my printer, which is fine, don't use it much anyway. The problem I'm having now is networking, all of my mp3's are on my wifes XP Pro box, I've got Samba, but I can't seem to figure out how the hell to connect to her machine to access the mp3's. Help?
I've always done it the other way around, so here goes

1) need an account on your wifes computer so linux can log in (just like you would from another windows box)
2) Share the mp3s
3) open a termial window and switch to root:
$ su
4) type this command:
# smbmount //remotepcname/share /mnt -o username=foo
you must specify the share name. -o means options, username= username of the account on your wife's pc that you created
5) It'll prompt for a password
6) if it goes back to another prompt, it worked. Check out the /mnt folder and your shared folders/files should be there :)
Cool, I'll give it a try this afternoon, the wife is dragging me away from the computer right nowwwwww
try gnomba (genomba?), you might be more comfortable with that one, especially if you're new to linux.
Ok, tried to install Gnomba, it said it needed Samba Server, so I download Samba server, it says it needs Samba Common, so I download Samba Common, it says Samba client needs samba common :retard: Am I missing something here?
Ok, I forced Samba Common to install without checking dependencies, then intalled the server and client. Now the command line works, I'm working on the gnomba now.
Yeah, I got it, but it doesn't seem to work right. It's saying mount successful, I can view her computer, but when I go back to the /mnt directory, or whatever directory I tell it to mount it to, it's not there.
to be honest, i've never worked with gnomba, i just knew it existed and as far as i knew it worked just fine.

Also, why did you download it?, i think you can install it straight from one of mdk cds, the version included might work properly. ;)

jtus be sure to uninstall the one you got.
I didn't download Gnomba, it was on disk 2, but the Samba rpms weren't. Thought that was odd, but :shrug:
I've got LinNeighborhood for the limited browsing I do, usually I just use it to find share names and then connect from the command line
The main thing I want to accomplish is to be able to play the mp3's off of her box while I'm in Linux, otherwise I really don't need it.
it _should_ work the way mirlyn described it, but according to the samba docs the preferred way is to call smbmount from mount, example
mount -t smbfs //remotepcname/share /mnt -o username=foo
i think that i the correct syntax but i may be wrong, i can check tomorrow if that doesn't work. also, i don't think you need to be root to mount shares either, as long as you have permissions to the folder you're using as a mount point, which can be anything, like /home/PT/mp3. if it says it's mounting but you can't see any files try running mount w/o any options, that should show you all the mounted filesystems.
another place to check out is, the forums there can be a goldmine of tip and tricks, i was there earlier today, took me 5 minutes to find the answer i could have read documentation all day to not find.

hope this helps,
Mounting to /mnt isn't a problem, and the command line is cool too. One more question, I seem to remember there being a way it could do this automatically at startup, sort of an autoexec.bat file of some type?
hmmmm, i think you can do it via supermount
file /etc/fstab (something similar, i use tab to find it instead of memorizing the name).

Thou, there's the obvious risk that supermount will load before samba, and it will report an error. Can someone point if there's another method, 'cause now i'm curious about it too. :D
if you got real spiffy-smart, you could edit the rc scripts for smb and make it mount immediately after starting samba :D

thought thats probably not the best/easiest way...

netfs can do it in RH I've heard.....might read up a little on it to see how it works.
I got hers to mount from info I found at Great site too. But....

Now, I'm trying to figure out how to mount my own damn disks. I've got c and d on this computer that are both ntfs, I'd like to at least mount d. I can do it command line, using this...

mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/toasterd -t ntfs

Ok, so I put that in the fstab file, and it doesn't work. So, I look back at the site again and they don't show the -t, so I try it again, without the -t and it still won't do it automatically. Now, I can still run console and do it there, but I'd really like for it to just do this at boot time. (My porno is on that drive for gods sake!!!!)
Ooooh, NTFS is a bitch in linux. From what I've seen, minimal support--if any.

try this:
/dev/hda5 /mnt/toasterd ntfs defaults 1 0

and then do a
mount -a
and see if it goes without errors :)