Mrs Bill Clinton

Personally, she scares the hell outta me. I firmly belive she's a power hungry liar that is willing decimate anyone/anything in her quest for legacy; which is more about her than the common good of the nation.

She is dangerous.

What do you think of her?
Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately you've described every single candidate running under any and all political affiliations, as far as I've been able to tell. She's more dangerous than some, less dangerous than others. Once again, as usual, I'll be forced to try to guess which one of these fucknuts will fuck up the country least. :shrug: The system is broken.
Just wondering who pieced things together to make them misleading. You wouldn't want to take credit for someone else's work there would you?

But if we don't need a source if we're quoting someone with a date then that's cool.

Because most people realize it'd take a complete idiot to just make something up and attribute it to someone els...

Oops. My bad. Didn't mean to usurp your modus operandi. Do carry on.
Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately you've described every single candidate running under any and all political affiliations, as far as I've been able to tell. She's more dangerous than some, less dangerous than others. Once again, as usual, I'll be forced to try to guess which one of these fucknuts will fuck up the country least. :shrug: The system is broken.

I would disagree to some extent, but I do understand your expanded thought position.

That describes the current admins pretty well. Except the "she" part.

Would you care to elaborate on this? I don't see it with-out a willing suspension of disbelief.

Food for thought
Ok since we are digging up out of context quotes and then drawing erroneous conclusions, here's an oldie but a goodie!

Our boy Dubya said:
There ought to be limits to freedom."
-- George W. Bush, complaining about a website critical of him, at an Austin Press Conference, May 21, 1999, quoted from and the Democratic Alliance, "Yes, They Really Said It!"

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." - GW Bush.

"More and more of our imports come from overseas."
G.W. Bush

"Nigeria is an important continent." - GW Bush

"Do you have blacks, too?"
-- George W. Bush, meeting with Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso; allegedly, in this incident, reportedly witnessed only by members of the White House Press Corps, Condoleezza Rice was present and jumped in to save Cardoso from having to answer, informing Bush that in fact Brazil is home to more blacks than any country outside Africa (unverified: November 2, 2001?)

"They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program."
-- George W. Bush, St. Charles, Missouri, November 2, 2000

"There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, fool me once, shame on—shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again."—Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency." - George W. Bush, June 14, 2001, speaking to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson, unaware that a live television camera was still rolling.

"As young Americans, you have an important responsibility, which is to become good citizens."
-- George W. Bush, in a June, 2001, letter to British students at Oakhill College in Lancashire, England: had they been Americans, wouldn't they already be citizens? Quoted from Randy Cassingham, "This is True" (24 June 2001).

"To those of you who received honors, awards and distinctions, I say, well done. And to the C students, I say to you: you, too, can be president of the United States."
-- George W. Bush, receiving an honorary degree at Yale, quoted from Newsweek, June, 4, 2001

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
-- George W. Bush, Florence, South Carolina, January 11, 2000, quoted from Michael Klein via Humour-Nette

"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test."
-- George W. Bush, Townsend, Tennessee, February 21, 2001, quoted from Jacob Weinberg, "The Complete Bushisms"

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."
-- George W. Bush, half-joking about his transition in Washington, D.C., December 18, 2000, quoted from CNN, "Bush to meet with Clinton as Cabinet building continues"

"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it."
Source: BusinessWeek Online, July 27, 2001

"I think we ought to raise the age at which juveniles can have a gun."
-- George W. Bush, St. Louis, Missouri, October 18, 2000, quoted from Jacob Weinberg, "The Complete Bushisms"

"Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness."
-- George W. Bush, CNN online chat, August 30, 2000, quoted from Jacob Weinberg, "The Complete Bushisms"

"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."
-- George W. Bush, Greater Nashua, New Hampshire, Chamber of Commerce, January 27, 2000, quoted from Michael Klein via Humour-Nette

"This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while."
-- George W. Bush, using a loaded term which recalls the Christians' Medieval wars against Muslims in the so-called Holy Land, after stepping off the presidential helicopter on Sunday, September 16, 2001, quoted from Jonathan Lyons, "Bush enters Mideast's rhetorical minefield " (Reuters: September 21, 2001). Bush later apologized for this remark.

"Take the life issue. This issue requires a president and an administration leading our nation to understand the importance of life. This whole faith-based initiative really ties into a larger cultural issue that we're working on. It begins to affect the life issue, as well as the human dignity issue, because when you're talking about welcoming people of faith to help people who are disadvantaged and are unable to defend themselves, the logical step is also those babies."
-- George W. Bush, unaware that a press microphone was on, telling Roman Catholic "faith-based" subsidy supporters that they are "vital allies" because they won't "be eroded by political correctness or whatever," and assuring them that his scheme to give tax money to religious groups will help them promote opposition to legal abortion, at the White House on January 31, 2001, quoted from Margaret Sykes, "Bush Caught on Tape -- Again: Says he'll use tax dollars to help religious groups oppose abortion," About Pro-Choice Views, February 1, 2001

"I've heard the call. I believe God wants me to run for president."
-- George W. Bush, quoted from Aaron Latham, "How George W. Found God," George Magazine, September, 2000

"There's Adam Clymer, major league asshole from The New York Times."
-- George W. Bush, to running mate Dick Cheney, who replied, "Oh, yeah, big time," at a campaign rally in Naperville, Illinios: both were unaware that the podium microphone was on, quoted from CNN, "Bush uses expletive to describe Times reporter," September 4, 2000. Karen Hughes, the communications director for the Bush campaign said, "It was meant to be a whispered aside to his running mate. It was not intended to be a public comment." Duh!

"I've coined new words, like, misunderstanding and Hispanically."
-- George W. Bush, plugging (and unwittingly providing material for the second edition of) Weinberg's book, The Complete Bushisms, at the Radio-Television Correspondents Association dinner, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001. Bush probably meant to say "misunderestimating," a word that he has used in public speech. Quoted from Jacob Weinberg, "The Complete Bushisms."

"We must have the attitude that every child in America -- regardless of where they're raised or how they're born -- can learn."
-- George W. Bush, New Britain, Connecticut, April 18, 2001, quoted from Jacob Weinberg, "The Complete Bushisms"

I am sure if you pulled quotes out of context from any politician, you could make them look like an insane, maniacal, power hungry tyrant, but what would you have really proved, aside from the fact that you know how to make propaganda say what you want, and distort the truth to your own ends?
Originally Posted by Our boy Dubya
There ought to be limits to freedom."
-- George W. Bush, complaining about a website ( critical of him, at an Austin Press Conference, May 21, 1999, quoted from and the Democratic Alliance, "Yes, They Really Said It!"

OK lets start with your first *quote* from ERROR 404 your once great ABB-forum of truth and justice that went belly-up.

If I was to think back: didn't WWW.GWB.COMMIE create some lie and promote is as the truth, then you came RUNNING over here (OTC) and went again screaming naked down the street *looky what I found* only to get the snot-knocked out of you by the facts. You swallowed every morsel the spoon-fed crap available then spewed it as gospel.

(SIDE NOTE: thats also when I quoted you, in complete context, in my sig and you lost it, then went crying like a baby to the mods about it)

But yes in context, freedom should be limited when it comes to creating false testiment.

(SIDE NOTE: I forgot that your are the cut-paste-queen rather to actually think for yoozself)

So if you can't tell a faux par from a contextual statement it would explain much of thought process.

Love ya MJS, I rest peacefully knowing ppl like you are trying to protect my freedom and keep me safe. :D
I fixed the post to omit the dead link.

And as to the rest of your commentary, thank you it's all I needed for my nap...


LOL, "made-up"

Uh, looks to me like he was attributing it to Hillary Rotten-Cliton.

But I've been wrong before :shrug:

Were you still under the impression that he was the one that took the quotes out of context, pieced them together, and came up with the Marx thing? Cause I thought it was pretty clear at this point that it was a copy/paste from a yet to be credited source.
There ought to be limits to freedom."
"I think we ought to raise the age at which juveniles can have a gun."

Those two are the only ones that are in line with Mrs Bill CLintons quotes. However, without a history of socialistic comments, they are only stupid...they haven't reached the level of scary.

spike said:
Ah, but Gonz took something someone else made up and attributed it to himself. I see where you got confused though.
They are in quotes. They have dates attributable to Mrs Bill CLinton. I nevef claimed to make them up. I didn't cut/paste them as first person. They come from a variety of sources. It seems you found one almost immediately. I've never plagarized & when it's copyrighted material, I provide a link. 99.9% of the time I provied a link anyway-or at least source it somehow.

These particular ones came for a notepad of quotes that I keep on my desktop, from various sources. You know you're doing nothing more than nitpicking so get over it.

As far as the Mrs Bill CLinton thing AND the MARX thing-I DID MAKE THAT UP
Ah, but Gonz took something someone else made up and attributed it to himself. I see where you got confused though.

Were you still under the impression that he was the one that took the quotes out of context, pieced them together, and came up with the Marx thing? Cause I thought it was pretty clear at this point that it was a copy/paste from a yet to be credited source.

I thought neither of those. Do you don't have in your possion a medical marijuana card do you?

I fixed the post to omit the dead link.

And as to the rest of your commentary, thank you it's all I needed for my nap...

You fixed it? Anyone But Bush - the forum based on "Free-Speech" back in buisiness! GREAT :D

I remember more clearly now, several people you happen to know (Winkster, Gonz, Meeself and others) went over there and presented them some PaelioCon-Kung-Fu the like of which they had not seen before - THE FACTS. :hump:

It was not long before they broke-down under the weight of documented fact and reasonable argument.

LOL, your friend came to you defend you specifically and got chewed-up and spat-out. Thats when the rats turned and began to eat their own, YOU!!! - tossed aside like a usless tool. :lfap:

Yeah thanks to "the anonymizer" we rode them for another day or two and *blip* they were gone, returning for but a few momentary death-rattles THat was it, the end of their hate filled forums. That used to happen in the what was once a dangerous place - - the Wild-Wild-Web.

Gosh Mark 'ol buddy, I forgot just how much fun we used to have together.

WOW - only 405-days + braggin rights Its gonna be gittin' warm in here.

BTW the link was not the point, the fomer content and the fact you helped to bring it down was.

Nice nap, I think I'll watch some Law and Order on the DVR, and go to bed. Wake me spike when somebody has some interesting propaganda to spew.

RM, The congress is democratic controlled, and next election that will be by a wider margin, because the people have finally woken up to realize that your side is only serving it's own interest, vying for ever more power, and basically being a politcal machine. It's interests are not that of the people. Just watch your hold on power ebb and slip away as it will continue to do. The only reason why we will most likely have a republican pres in '08 is because our side is too stupid (I'll admit it), to come up with a resonable candidate.

This country isn't ready to elect a black or a woman to it's highest office. If Edwards got the nomination, I have no doubt he would spank the republicans like a redheaded stepchild, but since Brack and Billary are the front runners, we'll probably end up with Fred Thomson as a lame duck, with a congress that will stymie him at every turn. But you can bet that people are dumb enough to go "Oh hey that's that guy from Law and Order, let's vote for him" (remeber Ronnie Reagan?).

But as for you'r boy Bushie, what do the people think? Oh what's that? Six out of ten dissapprove? People are siding democratic more and more on the issues? Well maybe they aren't as dumb as y'all thought.

I am gonna go back to my old policy, and just not bother with paying any attention to you RM. You and Cerise both, continually have dull arguments, and bring nothing to a conversation, not quite as bad as Winky used to be, but he was one too. I don't need the ignore feature to ignore someone so devoid of stimulating argument. I disagree with Gonz, and SnP frequently, but at least from them I can get intellegent, and somewhat well reasoned arguments, where you are a rank ametuer at that, and mostly are just insulting, and dull.

:finger: *piss2*

well, you've certainly taken the high road.


Guys like RM, don't have a clue where the high road is, so ya gotta get down on their level.

Don't believe me? Look at most republican campaign ads, rarely do they even talk about their candidate, normally they just try and smear the other guy.

Harry Truman said:
If you tell Congress everything about the world situation, they get hysterical. If you tell them nothing, they go fishing.

markjs said:
RM, The congress is democratic controlled, and next election that will be by a wider margin, because the people have finally woken up

Why yes, they have.


PS-Mark, why are you citing an 18-month old story?

Actually though, how much you wanna bet that some Bin Laden "threat" tape "mysteriously" appears in October of '08?

If I had money and they'd take that kind of bet in Vegas, I could be a rich man in Novemebr '08.
What does it matter?

The MoveOn Demoncrats want us out under any circumstances & the somewhat sane Democrats know damn well we're not going anywhere.