Mrs Bill Clinton

What does it matter?

The MoveOn Demoncrats want us out under any circumstances & the somewhat sane Democrats know damn well we're not going anywhere.

I personally want you in the minority (where you will be for at least a good while) but I don't want you gone at all. If it weren't for the right, the lunatics on the left would run unchecked and that would be bad indeed. If this country ever goes whole hog to the right or the left, we are in for trouble.

A little bit of balance that keeps things reasonable is always a good thing....
That was in reference to Iraq. You intervened with another poll before I finished.

remeber Ronnie Reagan.


As I said before about moveon, I have no clue what they want, and never visited their site on this machine. Back near the 2004 election I think I went there a few times, quite possibly a lot of times, but not in recent memory. You know how Google tells you where you have visited before?
I dunno, I sent your post to have properly reviewed by experts. I am glad I did!

One of the best-of-the-best-of-the-best (sir) from the Vast-Righ . . . 'er GOP analytical Dept reviewed you post. What they uncovered by looking at the post and clearly seeing your thoughts (Its really technical.n.all)

I would like to thank Dan Rather for doing all the fact checking and delivering another quality product of documented fact.

. . . they concluded the post was actually this.

They are in quotes. They have dates attributable to Mrs Bill CLinton. I nevef claimed to make them up. I didn't cut/paste them as first person. They come from a variety of sources. It seems you found one almost immediately. I've never plagarized & when it's copyrighted material, I provide a link. 99.9% of the time I provied a link anyway-or at least source it somehow.

These particular ones came for a notepad of quotes that I keep on my desktop, from various sources. You know you're doing nothing more than nitpicking so get over it.

As far as the Mrs Bill CLinton thing AND the MARX thing-I DID MAKE THAT UP

Oh you just happened to come up with almost preciselysame content as this spammer all on your own. :laugh:

"Gonz is just lying about his plagiarism at this point." - Ronald Reagan 03/06/82
What blows my mind is that he actually brought back "Not", next thing ya know he'll be popping off with something like "psyche!"....
I am gonna go back to my old policy, and just not bother with paying any attention to you RM. You and Cerise both, continually have dull arguments, and bring nothing to a conversation, not quite as bad as Winky used to be, but he was one too.


Get in the groove and let the good times roll.
Actually though, how much you wanna bet that some Bin Laden "threat" tape "mysteriously" appears in October of '08?

If I had money and they'd take that kind of bet in Vegas, I could be a rich man in Novemebr '08.

You're four years too late.

Wasn't that the '04 October Surprise?

Rep. Jim McDermott said:
There are already rumours circulating that Osama bin Laden is being held somewhere already and it's only that they are trying to decide what day they should bring him out.

former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said:
Do you suppose that the Bush administration has Osama bin Laden hidden away somewhere and will bring him out before the election?
WTF are you talking about?

What's the confusion exactly? Your content being the same as the spam email mentioned on Snopes. Uncanny isn't it?

Againh, WTF are you talking about?

You quoting a poll showing how unpopular GW is and how dissatisfied people are with the remaining republican members of Congress. Then complaining about someone else quoting a poll.
1)Uncanny or obvious to those of us who pay attention. She is more like Karl Marx than Harry Truman.

The poll I linked to asked "are you satisfied with Congress". A direct pertinent question.

The other poll, if you ask specific names, has much different results.
that's where yer wrong gonz.

karl marx was one of the most brillliant philosophers of the western world, who happened to be a bit off when he discussed certain political ideas.

hillary is just a mildly clever bitch.