Muslims against Terrorism & Osama


In either case it's a whole whack of Muslims with major issues against extremist thinking for several reasons.
1) It makes the Muslim faith look evidenced all over the web etc..
2) it goes against their religious beliefs
3) it goes against their humanity

Their protests are ignored because they are doing it within their Mosques instead on on the street.
MrBishop said:
Their protests are ignored because they are doing it within their Mosques instead on on the street.

If they'd cheer our destruction in private it would be a different scenario too. Too bad they loudly laugh in our face & pat our backs in silence.
How do you feel about Kiddie Porn? Child molesters? Rapists?

*I'd bet that a huge chunk of the population really REALLY hate them.

Now...when was the last time that you heard about people massing in the streets to protest against kiddie porn, child molesters and rapists?

Heard about any of these animals dragged into the streets by their neighbors?

Local hangings?
Torching of houses?

Obviously, North American's must therefore support Child molesting rapists that post kiddie porn. LOOK, they're not protesting in the streets!!!


Have I made my point yet?
MrBishop said:
Now...when was the last time that you heard about people massing in the streets to protest against kiddie porn, child molesters and rapists?

I could name a few that have been made right damn uncomfortable around here, by various means...
The Algerian government fought a virtual civil war to put down political Islam, in which over 100,000 persons died. The Egyptians jailed 20,000 or 30,000 radicals for thought crimes and killed 1500 in running street battles in the 1990s and early zeroes.

It's a matter of scale.

The point is: Muslims are actually doing something against radicalism in their religion. It's being ignored in the press and since it's not in the's obviously not happening...therefore Muslims are pro-radicals.

It's weak thinking, and as Prof. so nicely puts it "Baa baa baa"...the crowd follows popular opinion. :shrug:

I feel like I'm kicking a dead horse though.
Yes, we don't protest. We put those motherfuckers in jail.

Tell me, do you think the jails in Afghanistan are full of terrorists and Taliban?
MrBishop said:
Heard about any of these animals dragged into the streets by their neighbors?

Local hangings?
Torching of houses?

You ain't from around here, are you? There's a hell of a lot that happens in North GA that doesn't make the press.

I'd have to say, though, that a major protest against islamic extremists BY MUSLIMS would get at least as much press as muslims in the palestinian territories celebrating a successful terrorist attack. Sorry, but that would make news.

As a result, I'm forced to believe it doesn't happen. If self-policing that fails to make the press is happening in muslim communities like it sometimes does down here, more power to 'em. Fell free to tell us about it. Your sources list a lot of talk. Not a hell of a lot of action.

MrBishop said:
I feel like I'm kicking a dead horse though.

i'd say so.

pom-pom squad says muslims are bad and all the same. maybe just compliment them on their cute uniforms, and back away cautiously?
Altron said:
Yes, we don't protest. We put those motherfuckers in jail.

Tell me, do you think the jails in Afghanistan are full of terrorists and Taliban?

To quote a source that I can't name...Yes. Perhaps not full...but yes. Entire villages route out suspected taliban insurgents where they used to hide them. The UN's being sneaky about it. Reward system. We promise to bring medical supplies to your village. You turn over the insurgents...bravo. The stuff gets there faster. We turn up and get shot at. Sorry...we leave and take the medical supplies to the next village.
Word gets around fast...even in remote villages.

They often get turned out right into UN forces hands...Those that aren't killed outright that is.:beardbng:

The thing about terrorists is that you need a shovel to arrest them otherwise.
2minkey said:
i'd say so.

pom-pom squad says muslims are bad and all the same. maybe just compliment them on their cute uniforms, and back away cautiously?

Stick a sock in it. Don't put words in our mouths.
HomeLAN said:
You ain't from around here, are you? There's a hell of a lot that happens in North GA that doesn't make the press.

I'd have to say, though, that a major protest against islamic extremists BY MUSLIMS would get at least as much press as muslims in the palestinian territories celebrating a successful terrorist attack. Sorry, but that would make news.

As a result, I'm forced to believe it doesn't happen. If self-policing that fails to make the press is happening in muslim communities like it sometimes does down here, more power to 'em. Fell free to tell us about it. Your sources list a lot of talk. Not a hell of a lot of action.


something NOT splashed all over CNN.
Excellent. We need more like that.

BTW, if you want to portray CNN as sub-standard journalism with a massive slant, broadcasting whatever boosts ratings and/or plays into their own agenda - don't bother preaching to the choir.

Still and all, it's not like there was a public street protest, like the celebrations post-9/11, now is it? That would've made even CNN. The only time I've seen that was after the wedding bombings in Jordan, and that was because they were killing muslims.
I used CNN as an example of average media *over here*. *Insert random western media source there*
HomeLAN said:
You ain't from around here, are you? There's a hell of a lot that happens in North GA that doesn't make the press.

As it should be. We Appalachians didn't exactly invite the outside world in here, now did we?

HomeLAN said:
I'd have to say, though, that a major protest against islamic extremists BY MUSLIMS would get at least as much press as muslims in the palestinian territories celebrating a successful terrorist attack. Sorry, but that would make news.

As a result, I'm forced to believe it doesn't happen. If self-policing that fails to make the press is happening in muslim communities like it sometimes does down here, more power to 'em. Fell free to tell us about it. Your sources list a lot of talk. Not a hell of a lot of action.


Esteemed sir, I would like to shake your hand. That post summed up, succinctly and elegantly, what I believe to be the opinions of the majority of Americans. We don't hate en masse by and large until we are hated en masse. We still have just barely enough common sense intact to decide a few things on our own. One of those things is when we are hated. Not just unwanted, disliked, resented, or even despised. Hated.

As I said in another thread to someone I'm trying desperately to forget, our enemies do not care if you as an American support the president or not. They don't care about your politics or your opinions, and to think that they do is beyond egotistical. They hate you BECAUSE you're an American. Period dot semicolon with feeeeeling. Until we as a society come to grips with that simple truth, we will lose this fight.

Congratulations on what was quite possibly the finest post I've seen here.
SouthernN'Proud said:
They hate you BECAUSE you're an American.
Thing is...Muslims are feeling the same thing. Hated because they're Muslim and lumped in with terrorists and zealots.

A few bad apples spoiling the batch.

Pretty much the mirror image of what you're feeling as an American...and the whole point of this thread. :shrug:

Pigeon holes are uncomfortable places, eh?
Gonz said:
Stick a sock in it. Don't put words in our mouths.

Actually gonz, he has a point. Quite a few are lumping all Muslims together regardless of whether or not they are extremists. Not all people generalise but some do



Pictures date March 1st, 2006

Even more pictures Here
Even more pictures Here

here's my favorite

Iraqis Protest Against Terror
Iraqis Protest Terrorism as US Routs
Massive Muslim Demonstration Against Al Qaida!!
The World Reacts to Jordan's 9-11
Jordan Continues to Protest Al Qaida