my aunt died this morning

:( So sorry to hear the news Luis. I'm sure many of us share your pain.

Best wishes to you and all your family.
Thanks everybody, i really appreciate all your comments.

I'm doing fine, i guess it'll take me some time to realize her death or maybe i have realized and got over for the most part. I know she is resting now, the life she was having lately could not be called "a real life".

My grandfather worries me, he's very very sad, i can tell by the way he cries, is not just tears, is much more than that, i hope he can manage to ease his pain soon.
Yes, losing a child is a horror I don't even want to start imagining. Stay close to him, let him know he still has a lot of love in his life.
I've lost two of the people that meant everything in the world to me. I know how it feels. I can't tell you that it will get better but in time you will begin to accept it. :(