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i have been un-fazed by your comments. the only person i have been at odds with since the first thread was lock is Sam. i'm just waiting to see if he is going to ban me or not.

you folks are funny, and i've been enjoying watching your comments today. i especially liked the one from PuterTutor about my confessing my alts before i go. and the one from Squiggy about wanting to get another cheap shot in. you gotta admit for a dull weekend, you sure had fun.
AlladinSane said:
What the fuck is a cheap shot?

You like that word fuck lately, huh? ;)

Main Entry: cheap shot
Function: noun
Date: 1971
1 : an act of deliberate roughness against a defenseless opponent especially in a contact sport
2 : a critical statement that takes unfair advantage of a known weakness of the target

Otherwise known as 'low blow'.

Here's another definition for everyone:

Main Entry: dé·jà vu
Pronunciation: "dA-"zhä-'vü, dA-zh[a']-v[UE]
Function: noun
Etymology: French, adjective, literally, already seen
Date: 1903
1 a : the illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time b : a feeling that one has seen or heard something before
2 : something overly or unpleasantly familiar
Thanks for posting an explanation greenie. I couldn't come up with a good explanation to save my life.
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