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That's sort of up in the air, isn't it?

Maybe it's not the Twilight Zone thing. It might be like that story I read by Sartre where these people are in hell, but it's not burning or anything, it's just that they have to put up with each other's nastiness for eternity...
s4 said:
Renegade, you ain't worth wasting my time on.

You know, before you kind of amused me, sometimes, I even looked forward to reading your posts, that is, when it wasn't the "I'm going to banned for this" or "You probably just want me to leave". Now, I could really give a fuck if I ever read anything you write again. Renegade was conveying his appreciation. So sorry he didn't know who had the ideas for starting this place, not many of the regular member do now. Don't like it, Oh well.

I have lost any and all respect I've ever had for you, which honestly wasn't much to begin with, but now, it's gone. Later.
The world would be a much better place if people just knew when to take their meds.
Right, i've really given this thread a long airtime, in hopes that people will just air their greviances/animosity and chill out after, all this bashing etc. is not making a good example for new users and guests in my opinion. If you have a problem with a member here, contact by pm or e mail, please don't use the forums, thanks.
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