My summer vacation from reality....


The following is a rather frank and graphic account of my summer. It also describes something which is becoming epidemic here on the west coast, read at your own discretion....

I am a long time drug addict. I have known this for years but for some reason chose to forget it and pursue meth use this past summer (again). My main goal was to lose a few pounds. I got a good steady connection to some good "Ice" methamphetamine. I was able even to work for most of my dope so it didnt cost me money. I started out "suckin the glass dick" or smoking my shit, effective but in hindsight pathetic. My friend of many years, an old school "Slammer" insisted one day I hit the needle and reluctantly I did. This girl uses lightly compared to hardcore folks like me and while it was cool I wasn't that impressed. I continued mostly to smoke. Then I met a chick I kinda had the hots for and she too was a slammer and soon I was off and running and getting good powerful hits that rocked my world. Soon I had no use for smoking except as a social habit. Long story short, this girl and I did a solid month long run with virtually no sleep. It was an intensely hellish comedown let me tell you. And at the end of the run I was psychotic and a raving lunatic, barely holding it together and having something of a mental collapse.

I laid off off a while but soon found myself slamming meth on weekends again. All summer long I wore long sleeve flannels to hide my track marks. I was ok a while but I began to decline into serious abuse again. I was slamming between 1/2 and 1 gram of the purest "Ice" I could get. My best hit was probably a near death experience as it was like I had run a marathon instantly as the taste of the huge gram+ load hit my taste buds. I think that night I hit another gram a few hours later and whacked off to internet porn for like 12 hours until my dick had blisters......How productive huh?

In the end the meth rage set in. I became and angry violent motherfucker, believe that! I didn't hurt anyone much fortunately but I was so close so many times and even after I had come down and been clean a while the anger and violence continued. I beat up my car and was suicidal. I have only the grace of god and the love of my family and dearest friends to thank for my survival of this ordeal. In the end I punched a woman I love (after she kicked me in the face) but I just don't do that kind of thing, yet I did. A day later I was slamming tar heroin to get off meth and I got cotton fever and was so sick and weak the woman I did the meth with's daughter and a 73 year old man beat me up (when I am well I could have taken them both one handed and I shit you not). Long story short in one short summer meth cut me down to size.

In the end we all have our own paths in life, and I can't say that anyone should not do meth, it's your choice and I fully believe in the peoples right to do drugs and I am fully pro legalization. I do believe however that meth will in a long time or short take down 95% of anyone who fools with it too much. Bottom line is I wanted to briefly share my personal experience that others might make of it what you will. I hope it will help someone someday at very least. I am now trying to be clean and sober in those 12 step programs we've all heard of.....Good luck and god bless to all who dabble with the meth monster!

Best of luck. It can be done but I ain't gonna lie to you (like so many have obviously). It won't be easy.

Get rehab. In patient. Today. It's your only hope.

Anybody else besides winky wanna argue with me about meth now?
Acttually I have 75 days today without inpatient and they are sending me to outpatient. It was bad enough to get me clean and I believe keep me so....
I certainly hope so.

Please don't misunderstand my intentions. I am not trying to riducule you, sabotage you, or anything of the sort. I am a probation/parole officer. I see you every day, just with a different face.

Hopefully your tale will make a difference for someone.

Hopefully that someone is you yourself.
Acttually I have 75 days today


meth hasnt invaded our area yet. heroin is the drug of choice in the city i work in. its an unusual day if we dont get at least one OD and several looking to get into detox. some have been throught it so many times, i dont need to tell them the procedure.

SnP said:
Hopefully your tale will make a difference for someone.

Hopefully that someone is you yourself.
The following is a rather frank and graphic account of my summer. It also describes something which is becoming epidemic here on the west coast, read at your own discretion....

I am a long time drug addict. I have known this for years but for some reason chose to forget it and pursue meth use this past summer (again). My main goal was to lose a few pounds. I got a good steady connection to some good "Ice" methamphetamine. I was able even to work for most of my dope so it didnt cost me money. I started out "suckin the glass dick" or smoking my shit, effective but in hindsight pathetic. My friend of many years, an old school "Slammer" insisted one day I hit the needle and reluctantly I did. This girl uses lightly compared to hardcore folks like me and while it was cool I wasn't that impressed. I continued mostly to smoke. Then I met a chick I kinda had the hots for and she too was a slammer and soon I was off and running and getting good powerful hits that rocked my world. Soon I had no use for smoking except as a social habit. Long story short, this girl and I did a solid month long run with virtually no sleep. It was an intensely hellish comedown let me tell you. And at the end of the run I was psychotic and a raving lunatic, barely holding it together and having something of a mental collapse.

I laid off off a while but soon found myself slamming meth on weekends again. All summer long I wore long sleeve flannels to hide my track marks. I was ok a while but I began to decline into serious abuse again. I was slamming between 1/2 and 1 gram of the purest "Ice" I could get. My best hit was probably a near death experience as it was like I had run a marathon instantly as the taste of the huge gram+ load hit my taste buds. I think that night I hit another gram a few hours later and whacked off to internet porn for like 12 hours until my dick had blisters......How productive huh?

In the end the meth rage set in. I became and angry violent motherfucker, believe that! I didn't hurt anyone much fortunately but I was so close so many times and even after I had come down and been clean a while the anger and violence continued. I beat up my car and was suicidal. I have only the grace of god and the love of my family and dearest friends to thank for my survival of this ordeal. In the end I punched a woman I love (after she kicked me in the face) but I just don't do that kind of thing, yet I did. A day later I was slamming tar heroin to get off meth and I got cotton fever and was so sick and weak the woman I did the meth with's daughter and a 73 year old man beat me up (when I am well I could have taken them both one handed and I shit you not). Long story short in one short summer meth cut me down to size.

In the end we all have our own paths in life, and I can't say that anyone should not do meth, it's your choice and I fully believe in the peoples right to do drugs and I am fully pro legalization. I do believe however that meth will in a long time or short take down 95% of anyone who fools with it too much. Bottom line is I wanted to briefly share my personal experience that others might make of it what you will. I hope it will help someone someday at very least. I am now trying to be clean and sober in those 12 step programs we've all heard of.....Good luck and god bless to all who dabble with the meth monster!

Am I the only one who sees the inconsistency here?
kill you from the inside out...

Good luck Mark / PJ - and nice to see no moralising on this honest post- my respect.

I've done my share in the past of various - but always avoided the serious shit - my sister started one time - (this was a fair while back) luckily both me and my brother came by for a weekend just then (a reasonably rare and as it seems fortuitious event) - we smoked pot and warned her off - luckily she saw sense - we kept a careful half-eye for a while and that was it :shrug: )

have no desire or time for much beyond some booze here and there nowadays - :shrug:

If you are telling the truth about your character PJ - then you are among the lucky - and the very best wishes to you!

best, BB
Damn right we care.

You made a dumb choice. You knew in advance it was going to be a dumb choice. (meth as a diet aid???) Now you've decided otherwise. Hopefully you retain that insight.

As for the kids ..... telling them what happened to someone else is pointless. Everyone thinks their invulnerable. The only thing that works is to show them. I made my daughter watch this and will repeat the process several times. The one where the little sister picks it up after watch the older girl destroy herself says it all for me. Even when they've seen what it'll do ... they'll still try it.
I fully intend to be all over my kids like a wet blanket as they grow up. I'm gonna check their pockets, purses and rooms. I'm gonna check their arms and breath. At the slightest suspicion, I will drag them to either the doctor's office or police station. And they're gonna know full well in advance that I'm gonna do it. As I see it ... fear of the consequences from me is gonna be stronger than any fear of the consequences of using.
Glad to hear it Mark.

C'mon Prof. Doncha know there's nothing you can do? They're gonna try it whether you object or not so you may as well let them do it. Hell, let 'em do it at home. At least there, you'll know where they are & can control the situation.