N Korea threatens to ‘wipe out’ US forces

No, then it's called an international incident, and a violation of sovereign territory. Take it out once it's outside it's national boundries, and it's merely an act of US arrogance.
Thank You Ronald Reagan for having the forsight & the backbone to call for a missile defense shield. Piss off all you detractors to said Star Wars was foolish. You got burned again.

As for NK having only 7 warheads...7 military installations down & an invasion force following makes Jack very sad boy.
Professur said:
Yeah, he was crazy enough to try and take on Team America with nothing but the Film Actor's Guild.

Perhaps the Chinese could lend a hand.
Professur said:
No, then it's called an international incident, and a violation of sovereign territory. Take it out once it's outside it's national boundries, and it's merely an act of US arrogance.
The US has said it will strike first to protect itself,this is no different .
Professur said:
No, then it's called an international incident, and a violation of sovereign territory. Take it out once it's outside it's national boundries, and it's merely an act of US arrogance.

An international incident is when they try to pull some dumb shit on us and we blow up their whole country.

Nobody has to know that a few well-aimed missiles took out all of their nuclear armament. We can say that their nukes malfunctioned on the pads and detonated.
Who said anything about their missiles being armed? or even loaded for that matter.

They're checking their tech, f'r crissakes.
And Iran only wants weapons grade uranium for power generation. Hussein only wanted the best for his people. Not sure what Stalin wanted, but I'm sure it was all noble too.
MrBishop said:
Who said anything about their missiles being armed? or even loaded for that matter.

They're checking their tech, f'r crissakes.


We've got a bazooka. They're sitting there, trying to load their six-shooter. Do we blow them up now, or wait until they kill six people?
sometimes i think some of youz toss off to tom clancy 'defense fantasy novels' rather than juggs magazine...
Some of us need to get the testestorone pumping with a shoot em up mocho novel, then go with the titey mag for "enjoyment" aspect of life..
Professur said:
You've been watching one too many bad sci-fi flicks. A nuke can't set off an earthquake, and oil rigs aren't placed close enough for even the biggest nuke in the russian arsenal to take out more than one rig. And a hit over water leaves very little in the way of fallout, and no rad-effected zone.

Oil rigs in the ocean aren't close enough together... but oil rigs on land are, especially the ones around Bakersfield.

As for bombs setting off earthquakes... Bish, just so you know, earthquakes usually start about five miles underground.