No, talking about white supremacists. There's over 200,000 members of Stormfront let alone all the others.
There's certainly a large number of white supremacists in the Tea Party. I'm going to go ahead and use your Muslim logic and say they're all white supremacists.
LOL, right Is this your own personal research f4rom all the time you spend at Stormfront?
Well NAMBLA is an lefty community, right there with Kevin Jennings. So all progressive are child molesters. - Thanks for clearing that up.
I want to promote freedom. It's an American thing. Consenting adults in a relationship that doesn't hurt anyone else is moral.
It kills people, I guess you don't see that as immoral though. The tragedy is unsuspecting women and children who get the HIV virus from consenting adult men who get infected on the down-low. -- How moral is that?
Buttsechs must be great, to die for, to kill for.
Never heard of either of them so you seem to have made up this bible thing.
LOL, you've never heard of Alinski. riiight. Regardless, its the book that has lead the homosexual agenda, its the blueprint of the agenda
you swallow hook-line-sinker.
You're a lying tool.
Yeah, there are some straight and gay people that like sex for self gratification and do kinky shit. Not really interested in limiting their freedom.
I'm not interested in paying for the deviant behaviors. I'm also agasht at the living women and children I know who have contracted HIV from husbands who were getting some ass on the "down-low". Not to mention the other wimmin' and childers I've known who have since died.
the anus is not designed for two way traffic, it rips and tears with reciprocal penetration. The preferred method for AIDs transmission during "sexual acts".
Don't participate anal sex
and don't share drugs needles.
As a male, you have virtually eliminated the chance to host the virus that causes AID's.
AIDS affects stright and gay people and can be minimized by responsible use of protection. Anyone that doesn't use proper protection is making poor choices.
AID's may affect everyone the same physically, but the spread of it is somewhat different. My chances of catching HIV from a woman while having vaginal sex is insignificant compared to the odds of catching from getting the poison seed rammed up my ass by a man.
I guess the CDC facts alluded your higher intellect..
By Risk Group
- Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM): By risk group, gay, bisexual, and other MSM of all races remain the population most severely affected by HIV.
- MSM account for more than half (53%) of all new HIV infections in the U.S. each year, as well as nearly half (48%) of people living with HIV.
- While CDC estimates that MSM account for just 4% of the US male population aged 13 and older, the rate of new HIV diagnoses among MSM in the US is more than 44 times that of other men and more than 40 times that of women.
- White MSM account for the largest number of annual new HIV infections of any group in the US, followed closely by black MSM.
- MSM is the ONLY risk group in the U.S. in which new HIV infections have been increasing since the early 1990s.
Source: Centers for Disease Control
No, homosexuality is not necesarily destructive just like being straight is not necessarily detructive.
I guess you don't know about the human species. Show me one successful homosexual civilization.
Smoking is always unhealthy.Most people can have healthy relationships straight or gay.
I smoke, I realize it's unhealthy. It's my choice though.
i encourage you to smoke more with every breath.
Again you don't know very much about behavioral sciences do you.
I would be interested in seeing the funding for AIDS, Cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc.
Due to the screaming queens, they diverted much of the funding for the later to AIDs. Gov't sponsored AID's research dwarfs diabetes.
In America we call it freedom.
In America we call it the spreading a dangerous pathogen. You seem to believe we should allow tuberculosis to run wild for freedom.
There's the psycho coming out.
Psycho is allowing for a dangerous pathogen to spread while we create laws that protect the individuals in ways that assist to hide the individuals condition.
Typhoid Mary comes to mind.
The voice against freedom.
You're a fucking idiot.
I have a much higher level of morality and self control than you will ever be able to concieve of attaining.
You base your ideology's on emotional lies and not a hint of common sense.
You believe in low morality and paint it with skittles from unicorns.
You must have been high when the gay community abandoned the facade that AID's was retrosexual disease. It was ploy to normalize the the AID's issue to get more funding and acceptance.
Someone finally figured out that
telling the truth might just help to save some lives and solve the problem.
California Homosexual Organization Admits HIV/AIDS is "Gay Disease"
LOS ANGELES, California, October 4, 2006 – The Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center has abandoned a long-held homosexual activist contention by declaring on billboards posted throughout Southern California that HIV/AIDS is a “gay disease.”
it's still not politically correct to speak this truth. The militant homosexuals still try to promote the idea that its not a gay issue.
Try to discuss sexual addiction among the homosexual community and you swiftly be called on about morality and discover the agenda to eliminate the morality discussion. Sexual addiction is the problem and it is destructive. Just check the facts about AID's among other issues.
Some advice: you shouldn't use the word
"freedom" in your post. You don't have a grasp of what it is and it makes you look really stupid when you use it as you do.
Don't get me wrong, I don't expect you will ever be capable of understanding simple truths about the complex issues of human behaviors. You're simply too ignorant.