nalani, don't be like unc ...

You guys are so funny, I have to completely agree that his voice does not match... And he's very adamant that he *doesn't* have a drawl.

even though he does[/siz] ;)
Hey Spirit: Are you going ot be around this for the rest fo the week and next or are you on holidays?
nalani said:
actually, he doesn't have a southern drawl - but you can tell he's been raised in suburban Georgia ... Steve doesn't have a drawl either.

Thank you. I try to keep it under control. It does come creeping out when I'm drunk, though.
Be proud of your geographical accent! Are NY'ers the only people who embrace their god-awful accent?

I lived in 'Flah-dah' for 9 months and my coworkers would make fun of my accent but instead of trying to change it, I laid it on thicker. Screw all of them, no matter where I go, I hope I keep my accent forever. :smash2: :anifingr:
I wish I had Newfie accent! I moved away too young so I never acqired one :(
It can actually be a drawback in some of the meetings, etc. I have to go into all the time. Even living in Atlanta, a southern accent screams "hick". It shouldn't, but it does.

The reason why I said that Steve didn't have a drawl is because, well, compared to my father who'd been away from Texas for over 40 years and still had a meeeaaaan drawl and could hardly pronounce our names, Steve sounds like most others I've met from the continent. There are places that have definite accents - Wisconsin was interesting :D - and of course, the southern states... and the people I met on the plane going over to Georgia and who I've talked to in Georgia had much stronger drawls than Steve or Rob.

I like our pidgin dialect. No one can hardly understand us :D
I've got a definite southern drawl, hell I catch myself typing it when I'm talking to y'all. And I was born and raised in Iowa, where there is like, no accent whatsoever, just say the word the proper way, Dammit!

I didn't realize I had gotten an accent until about a year ago, when i was on the phone with an old high school friend, and he pointed it out to me. I was stunned.
the only thing about my accent is what justin said......."nice accent.......but you sound american". :D