Nalani gave birth :D

Set your alarm to wake you up every hour on the hour, and have Paul crap the bed in the middle of the night .... you won`t be jealous long.
awwwwww they're SO CUTE! I want some! Yes, not just one...I want two.
*smacks Nixy across the nose with a rolled up newspaper*


What?! I DO want some. I'm not saying I'm go to go have some...not until I find a man and get married. I still want them though.
*chuckles* thanks for all the well-wishing, gang ... they're a handful but luckily I have lots of help. Our daughter is blonde beyond blonde and tiny tiny tiny. She looks exactly like her father when he was a baby. She was born first on Valentine's night (she actually broke her water a week before they were scheduled to be born via c-section and got the ball rolling) and clocked in at 4lb 9oz. Our son was born 3 minutes later and weighed 5lb 4oz. He looks a lot like my 17 year old did when he was born and though his hair isn't as blonde as his sisters, it's still pretty blonde. They were 5 weeks early and tiny but breathing and functioning completely on their own, thankfully. They were kept in the hospital a few days so the doctors could keep an eye on their weight gain but other than that, there were no problems so we got to bring them home the other day. I've been in a pretty good amount of pain since before their births but it's subsiding now and I'm looking forward to getting back to something resembling "normal". They sleep pretty well but we have to wake them every 3 hours to eat (they don't always appreciate that LOL).

BTW, Prof is right ... the glow is gone. It's replaced by dry skin, dry unmanageable hair, dark circles around my eyes and a body that doesn't fit any clothes in my closet ... and I wouldn't have it any other way ;)
She looks exactly like her father when he was a baby.

He was born without a penis????

BTW, Prof is right ... the glow is gone. It's replaced by dry skin, dry unmanageable hair, dark circles around my eyes and a body that doesn't fit any clothes in my closet ... and I wouldn't have it any other way ;)

Told ya.

Nal, I grant unto your children my greatest wish: That they gather at your funeral, wracked with arthritis and speckled with liver spots, and raise a glass to the fond memories they have of the mother they love.
The dude's the baby daddy. (and he bf afaik)

They are SO CUTE OMG!
Hereʻs some pics Na just emailed me :D

(If you notice the thumb on the bottom of the boyʻs pic, youʻll get an idea of how tiny they are!!)

OMGoodness Gracious, hugable,loveable,squeezable!!! Absolutely adorable.
You guys are so blessed, those pics are just too cute for words. CONGRATS AGAIN!!!
hehehehe .. thanks everyone

The dude is their daddy .. my boyfriend, Chris - or as Gato likes to call him, the "glorified loader" LOL.