Nature or nurture

Um ... the class is for MEN

I hate to belabor the point; but you really need to get that reading for comprehension thing down.

Heh, or stop reading the things you write.

Simply name one -- just one -- aspect of homosexuality, other than the sexual act of taking a man's penis in the mouth or anus, that makes a person a homosexual.

Go ahead and read that sentence again Jim. :D

I see. So it would be a simple platonic relationship with no touching, licking, kissing, sucking, or penetration. That, Sir, is not homoSEXuality. That is usually called friendship and one's right to freedom of association with whomever one pleases.

Wrong again Jim

definition: Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.

You can be homosexual or heterosexual without any act whatsoever. Maybe you're saving yourself, or unable to find a partner to your liking, or having Altron-type problems.
Outside of sexual partners, the difference between homo & hetero is.....

Fags are better interior decorators. And they watch more figure skating and women's sports events. They also seem to give a damn what Rosie thinks. I hear they make better quiche. They actually buy Michael Buble CDs too I think. My sources tell me they are better about getting the oil in their cars changed on schedule. Roughly 79% of them know what channel Bravo is on without looking at the channel guide too.

Oh, and they can tolerate Hillary Clinton too.

Other than that, I can't think of anything.
Fags are better interior decorators. And they watch more figure skating and women's sports events. They also seem to give a damn what Rosie thinks. I hear they make better quiche. They actually buy Michael Buble CDs too I think. My sources tell me they are better about getting the oil in their cars changed on schedule. Roughly 79% of them know what channel Bravo is on without looking at the channel guide too.

Oh, and they can tolerate Hillary Clinton too.

Other than that, I can't think of anything.

skin care. they care far more about skin care.
Ok, I put on my reading comprehension goggles, and it was a bit more explicit in its scope than I remember from reading it this morning. I still don't see the problem though. People pay for these courses, yes?

in could be read either way. it's certainly leaning in the "how to direction" but one could approach it in a cool, formal sense. the latter, of course, will rarely happen though. spent much time in ann arbor? in that social climate... the vast majority will interpret in the former manner, and the instructor knows that. that's the carrot being dangled. it's a seminar on how to be gay.

yes, people pay for those courses but they are subsidized out the wazoo because it is a state university. tuition represents a small part of the costs of those courses.
Heh, or stop reading the things you write.

Hell, you don't read them now. You just interpret everything I say in your own way according to your narrow world view.

Simply name one -- just one -- aspect of homosexuality, other than the sexual act of taking a man's penis in the mouth or anus, that makes a person a homosexual.

Go ahead and read that sentence again Jim. :D

You want to play semantics. Males are persons too.

Wrong again Jim

definition: Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.

You can be homosexual or heterosexual without any act whatsoever. Maybe you're saving yourself, or unable to find a partner to your liking, or having Altron-type problems.

That's funny. MY SOURCES use the term "sex" or "sexual" in their definitions of homosexuality. None of them use the term platonically.

ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty /ˌhoʊməˌsɛkʃuˈælɪti, or, especially Brit., -ˌsɛksyu-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hoh-muh-sek-shoo-al-i-tee, or, especially Brit., -seks-yoo-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex.


[Origin: 1890–95; homo- + sexuality] Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty (hō'mə-sěk'shōō-āl'ĭ-tē, -mō-) Pronunciation Key
Sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.
Sexual activity with another of the same sex.

(Download Now or Buy the Book) The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
WordNet - Cite This Source - Share This homosexuality

a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition - Cite This Source - Share This

A sexual attraction between persons of the same sex. (See gay and lesbian; compare heterosexuality.)

[Chapter:] Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This
ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty (hm-sksh-l-t, -m-)

Sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.
Sexual activity with another of the same sex.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This
Main Entry: ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty
Pronunciation: "hO-m&-"sek-sh&-'wal-&t-E
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -ties
1 : the quality or state of being homosexual
2 : erotic activity with another of the same sex

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Wrong yet again Jim. Go read again starting at post #143.

There was a momentary mention of heterosexual anal intercourse; but the subject remains about male homosexuality. Efforts to derail the discussion by you have, so far, been ineffectual; but keep trying. A monkey with a typewriter will eventually make a sentence if he pounds the keys long enough.
Hell, you don't read them now. You just interpret everything I say in your own way according to your narrow world view.

Nope, just reading them as English.

You want to play semantics. Males are persons too.

Point being females are too. Which would make what you said incorrect.

That's funny. MY SOURCES use the term "sex" or "sexual" in their definitions of homosexuality. None of them use the term platonically.

They use the word orientation and attraction which does necessitate any sex act. Which would make what you said incorrect.
There was a momentary mention of heterosexual anal intercourse

Exactly, which is the text you replied to in this case. Try reading more carefully before you reply next time.

You keep trying to skew the discussion off of the subject which is male homosexuality.

The original subject was actually "Nature vs. Nuture" not "male homosexuality" I know you are particularly obsessed with male homosexuality because of your soul-in-the-butt problem but don't force your agenda on others.
Point being females are too. Which would make what you said incorrect.

So calling a male a person is incorrect. Got it.

They use the word orientation and attraction which does necessitate any sex act. Which would make what you said incorrect.

So if a MALE PERSON sits at home daydreaming about having sex with his MALE PERSON co-worker while masturbating; that MALE PERSON is not yet a homosexual? That MALE PERSON is merely "oriented" or "attracted" to others of that MALE PERSON'S sex?
The original subject was actually "Nature vs. Nuture" not "male homosexuality" I know you are particularly obsessed with male homosexuality because of your soul-in-the-butt problem but don't force your agenda on others.

In typical Off Topic Central form the subject segued into the male homosexuality realm at POST #111 and, despite your cointinued effort to change it, remains so.

And that is "heart and soul of male sexuality". Again you fail in reading comprehension; but you are doing a fantastic job of semantics, misdirection, and nitpicking.

Got anything to say that is cogent on either the subject of "nature or nurture" or "male homosexuality"; or are you satisfied with semantics, misdirection, and nitpicking?
So calling a male a person is incorrect. Got it.

Read slower or something Jim. What's incorrect is assuming all persons are males.

So if a MALE PERSON sits at home daydreaming about having sex with his MALE PERSON co-worker while masturbating; that MALE PERSON is not yet a homosexual? That MALE PERSON is merely "oriented" or "attracted" to others of that MALE PERSON'S sex?

Jim, again slow down.

If a male OR FEMALE person is oriented or attracted exclusively to members of the same sex they are homosexual with or without any sex act.
Read slower or something Jim. What's incorrect is assuming all persons are males.

That is your opinion. You glom onto the smallest detail and try to make it the focal point. You knew, and you still know, what was meant; but because you have no premise, no contention, and no point of debate you cling to the lillipution hoping everyone else will ignore the gargantuan. You come here and try to skew the debate with nonsensical innuendo and etymological hijinks but you have nothing to say and nothing to add -- an agent provocateur as it were.

Jim, again slow down.

If a male OR FEMALE person is oriented or attracted exclusively to members of the same sex they are homosexual with or without any sex act.

If you are going to parse and nitpick every word, every sentence, and every paragraph of every post you should at least know the terms. The term is "latent homosexual" or "latent homosexuality".

Latent homosexuality and homosexuality are not commensurate. Latent homosexuals are not homosexuals under the term "homosexual" because they have yet to consummate the act.

In your world, the thought is as bad as the deed so if someone thinks about raping a woman they are a rapist. If they think about robbing a Brinks truck they are a robber. In your world, Stephen King would be a murderer

Is a man who thinks about sex with women, and is "oriented or attracted exclusively to" women a male lesbian? According to your worldview that is entirely possible.
That is your opinion. You glom onto the smallest detail and try to make it the focal point. You knew, and you still know, what was meant; but because you have no premise, no contention, and no point of debate

The premise is you keep posting incorrect information and I'm pointing out the flaws.

The term is "latent homosexual" or "latent homosexuality".

So your saying that someone who is attracted exclusively to the same sex but has not experienced any sexual act is a "latent homosexual"?

The it would follow that someone who is exclusively attracted to the opposite sex but has not experienced any sexual act would be a "latent heterosexual".

The premise is you keep posting incorrect information and I'm pointing out the flaws.

So your saying that someone who is attracted exclusively to the same sex but has not experienced any sexual act is a "latent homosexual"?

The it would follow that someone who is exclusively attracted to the opposite sex but has not experienced any sexual act would be a "latent heterosexual".


If you can find that in psychoanalytical treatises then you would be right. However, as usual, you are wrong.

There was, however, a Chayefsky play of that title.

Keep trying.
No Jim it's common sense. I'm using the definitions of the word.

Latent homosexuality actually doesn't refer to people who are exclusively attracted to the same sex but have not engaged in any sex act.

It refers to (by your own link) :

a hidden inclination or potential for interest in homosexual relationships, which is either suppressed or not recognised

This can actually manifest as hostility or violence towards homosexuals. (maybe that explains your illogical hostility?)

Anyway your argument that homosexaulity necessitates a sexaul act has been completely debunked at this point by the very definition of the word and that fact that being heterosexual doesn't necessitate a sexual act.