Leslie said:New job so she can't get a day off?
Spent all her spare cash getting this car?
Can't afford the gas?
Nixy said:p.s. a site i found says the dealer made less than 800 off me today, i enjoy that thought
Gonz said:Why? They provided you with a valuable service & you got what you wanted. Why shouldn't they make a decent profit?
HomeLAN said:You finance through them? What rate?
Nixy said:Because they're making a nice chunk off of me for the warranty, the rust proofing, they'll make a mint off of me in service...the least they can do is make less than $800 off me for the sale of the car. Since most car dealers lose money in the new car show room (which they did in the end after they paid the salesman apparently). Oh, and $800 would have been on an avg mark up, GM mark ups are VERY low atm.
SouthernN'Proud said:You are on crack.
That car lost a minimum of 20% of it's value the precise moment you drove it off their lot. Tell me how they lost money. Don't believe me? Try and trade it tomorrow at another dealer and see what they offer you for it.
You been suckered. Wait a few years and a few trades and tell me I lied.
HomeLAN said:He's right. Only reason I bought new last time is that I really wanted this model and there weren't any used ones on the market yet. But, we've been through that before.
2.9 is fairly cheap money. Good move, there.
Nixy said:oh and my insurance has a no depreciation clause for 2 years so if anything happens and it gets written off within 2 years then I get the purchase price for it.
A.B.Normal said:Replacement value clause is a great thing to have .
Your equating depreciation with profit ,which there is no correlation.Two same make and model vehicles ,but the one that has every option available will have a highter percent resale value right off the lot and you know they 're making a nice profit off the fully optioned one moreso than the base model.Some highend vehicles like Porsche and BMW won't depreciate at the same percent as a Ford Escort ,when you drive them off the lot,but you know the there is a higher rate of profit on the porsche/bmw.Yes there is a certain loss of value ,buts thats due to consumerism what someone is willing to pay you for it,rather than what its worth.If I buy two cheese burgers and try to sell one because I realize I don't want it,the difference in what I paid for it and what the next person is willing to pay for it is ,not the profit margin for the manufacurer(it works for underwear too ,but I was being nice).
SouthernN'Proud said:As y'all wish.
You got hosed, and no amount of touchy feely justification is going to put the money back in your pocket.
Redneck out.
SouthernN'Proud said:As y'all wish.
You got hosed, and no amount of touchy feely justification is going to put the money back in your pocket.
Redneck out.