Yeah, I don't understand the bias in the poll results against legal tax-paying residents.
We need these people OUT OF OFFICE ASAP!
It's a travesty that people here illegally can access assistance while citizens in need cannot.
US taxes should be used only for US citizens, and those who pay in.
well how about this... no tax-funded assistance for anybody...?
So in your world, the lame, the infirmed, the mentally and physically incapable...all would do what, starve?
And y'all try to make me out as cruel.
I have said this before on here, and now I say it again. I work for a living and I see where a portion of my money is taken from me before I ever get it every paycheck. I don't like that very much. HOWEVER, I have absolutely zero problem with helping provide for those who legitimately cannot provide for themselves. An adult in a wheelchair from CP cannot work and provide his own upkeep; by all means give him/her what he/she needs to survive be it money, food, medical care, or housing assistance. A 22 year old mother of 7 can work; if she'd keep her legs closed long enough that is. No physical or mental reason she cannot provide her upkeep. Give her 6 months and then kick her off the dole. If you are here in violation of our laws, you get to meet my friend Jack Schidt. I would expect precisely the same treatment or worse if I went to another country in violation of their laws, whether I agree with the laws or not.
This ain't difficult. Unless one's political bent defines the word "victim" so to include anyone not male white heterosexual. Then it gets cloudy. My bent does not define the word as such, so it's pretty easy for me. Help those who cannot help themselves, and let everyone else earn their own. Lawbreakers get special treatment. Why is this so hard to understand?
So in your world, the lame, the infirmed, the mentally and physically incapable...all would do what, starve?
SnP said:And y'all try to make me out as cruel.
SnP said:I have said this before on here, and now I say it again. I work for a living and I see where a portion of my money is taken from me before I ever get it every paycheck. I don't like that very much. HOWEVER, I have absolutely zero problem with helping provide for those who legitimately cannot provide for themselves. An adult in a wheelchair from CP cannot work and provide his own upkeep; by all means give him/her what he/she needs to survive be it money, food, medical care, or housing assistance. A 22 year old mother of 7 can work; if she'd keep her legs closed long enough that is. No physical or mental reason she cannot provide her upkeep. Give her 6 months and then kick her off the dole. If you are here in violation of our laws, you get to meet my friend Jack Schidt. I would expect precisely the same treatment or worse if I went to another country in violation of their laws, whether I agree with the laws or not.
This ain't difficult. Unless one's political bent defines the word "victim" so to include anyone not male white heterosexual. Then it gets cloudy. My bent does not define the word as such, so it's pretty easy for me. Help those who cannot help themselves, and let everyone else earn their own. Lawbreakers get special treatment. Why is this so hard to understand?
And for those without families?
SnP said:Hey, I'm all for pulling your own weight. But there will always be a segment of our population who simply cannot. I don't think it's right to cast them aside like garbage. The book you quote in your own signature tells us not to do so. I'd rather my tax dollars go to the elderly, who have paid into the system for 40 years in most cases, and the infirmed than to the chronically pregnant, the perpetually unemployed employables, and the addicts. Opinions may of course vary, but that's mine.
You haven't been many places if you have never met anyone with no family. Unfortunately, I have met them. It's pretty damn sad.