nostalgy contest?

Luis G

Staff member
Talking to Leslie about old software I remember I had this one:

The manual:

5 1/4 disks!!!!
ooooooooh the memories. We were so happy to upgrade to Lotus from the word processor at work. :eyemouth:
Ohh I forgot to add, the set is priceless as well because some of the disks are infected with the Stoned virus :headbang:
I learned on 5.0.

and then we upgraded and it was scary cause it was new!! :nerd:
I have a few oldies at home...have to dust them off... think that I have a precursor to Winsock for Win2.0 somewhere. :D
Luis G said:
Ohh I forgot to add, the set is priceless as well because some of the disks are infected with the Stoned virus :headbang:
I had that virus. Really the epitome of what viruses should have stayed. The computer would run just fine, didn't delete anything, just gave you the message that your computer was stoned occasionally. I loved it.
I may still have the 5-1/4 floppies for TRS-DOS 3 in the attic (somewhere near the Betamax, no doubt ;) ).
I don't go back that far but I did have a pc at work that had both floppy drives formats that I was using for a doorstop. Believe it our not, I wound up using it later on because someone wanted to transfer files from a 5 1/4.

I also have Windows 3.1 on floppy disk that we've used for computers here on occasion.
I have several sets of MS-DOS 5.0 and Win 3.1 on 3.5 disks. I also have PC-DOS 7.0. I think I tossed my external 5.25 drive about a year ago.
I remeber the TRS-80, with a cassette-tape drive. My best Friends father was the head of the local school districts for the county. He had one courtesy of the Gov't. it was lame.
My first taste was a Bally TV Arcade. You could do some programming in BASIC, right on your TV screen. The school also had Trash 80's.
My first taste was a tandy too.
I don't remember what model, but it used those 8" floppies. :lol2:

I still use the table that came with it. :D