Not enough choices


Southern Discomfort

Supporters of Transgender rights will kick off what's being described as the first "Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People of Color Job and Education Fair" in New York in December, according to Reuters.

At least 10 companies already have signed up for the fair, organizers said, and as many as 25 might show up. One of the main things on the agenda, they say, is that pesky male-female that unfairly dominates public discourse in America.

Damien Domenack, a landscaper, says society's "two-gender system" poses a problem in everything from job applications to drivers' licenses to health-insurance forms. He wants a third option, to describe gender preference.

"We're limited to two boxes, male and female," said Domenack, 24, who was born female and calls herself a "transman." "There's just two options, and I can't put my true identity."


Poses a problem, does it?

Society got along fine for generations with two genders. God created us male and female. Maybe it isn't society's problem after all..maybe it's YOURS!!!!

Either embrace your penis, or cut it off. I don't care. Just shut the hell up already.

And could they be content with just the transgendered (whatever THAT is)? Nooooo...has to be transgendered of color! Heck, they excluded the left handed albino children of union upholsterers. What bigots!
SouthernN'Proud said:
Society got along fine for generations with two genders. God created us male and female. Maybe it isn't society's problem after all..maybe it's YOURS!!!!

Not true. Quite a significant number of children are born every year around the world with undeterminable gender. Some societies even include the notion of a third gender.

That said, these people are looking out for themselves. What, pray-tell, could possibly be your problem with that? They can go to this job fair and find companies willing to welcome their applications. Anyone can set up their own job fair, it is their perogative.
I wouldn't be bothered if forms and applications etc had a third option. It's not like I'd get confused as to what I should mark off. :shrug:
Those who have had the operation are still the sex they were born as....
Why would genitalia confer gender over a person's own identity?

It is completely possible in the realms of biology that a person would be wired for female gender but have the wrong equipment down below. Then again, you have children born, as I mentioned before, of indeterminable gender who have both sets of equipment but whose gender identity later manifests as something individual itself despite any attempts made by society to conform them as either male or female.

It's an interesting concept and a very real part of our natural world, if not society. You should open up your mind to it.

I'd have thought a psychologist would be extremely interested in the conflict of physiology vs. personality from a purely "scientific" standpoint.
from a biological perspective, Gonz is correct. no amount of body work or homone shots is going to change the genetic coding.

*wonders if someone posted that the moon is round, would Bobby argue that it is trapazoidal*
For this reason, the term "Klinefelter syndrome" has fallen out of favor with medical researchers. Most prefer to describe men and boys having the extra chromosome as "XXY males."

edit: forgot the link
Spot said:
from a biological perspective, Gonz is correct. no amount of body work or homone shots is going to change the genetic coding.

*wonders if someone posted that the moon is round, would Bobby argue that it is trapazoidal*

You missed my point. Since no one knows how much genetics contributes to personality, sexuality etc. my point still stands: it is perfectly possible to have the equipment for one gender but the wiring for another.

There are also conditions such as androgen insensitivity in which you can a person with XY chromosomes and male genitalia, but where the body does not respond to the androgen hormone, so the person is biochemically female, or the person may have XY chromosomes, but display female genitalia on the outside, with testicles instead of ovaries and uterus inside.

I think these people prefer to be called "inter-gender" rather than trying to impose a gender identity on the person.

That said, that is a different issue to trans-genders, however I go back to my original statement in this post. Human personality, sexuality etc. is still such an uncharted territory in genetic terms that it's silly to make decisive statements either way.

Why are people here so hostile to a different opinion? By your last comment, it's as if you would prefer it I held or my tongue or merely agreed with everything that is posted, regardless of my personal feelings.
i'm not being hostile. just poking fun at you. every thread i've read that you reply to, you have taken pretty much the polar opposite position.

Human personality, sexuality etc. is still such an uncharted territory in genetic terms that it's silly to make decisive statements either way.
so do we just keep making sub-groups till everyone has their own? until the territory is charted, male/female works fine. people are free to call themselves whatever they wish, but they are still male/female.
Starya said:
I'm with Bobby on this one.
Ditto. It's not as simple juts XX or XY - there are a myriad of syndromes, and chromosomal 'anomalies' that ensure that it is never this simple. Imagine being born a hermaphrodite - how do you decide what gender you are? I have no problem with the concept of a third gender. :shrug:
Over here, that would invalidate some forms. :shrug:
Why is it such a big-ass deal that some people want a third option? If a NZ-European didn't have an NZ-European box to check, but had to choose between European, and American, for example, when neither fits...?