Note to Israeli's

You have it backwards. It's the Pals that break the peace. Israel responds by escalation (as they've always promised)
Gonz said:
More insidiousness? By those standards, our war on terror is terror?

Look...There was a workable and agrred to peace plan on the table and israel chose to subvert it by assassinating Hamas leaders after they had agreed not to target them. They followed up with their own version of the berlin wall and more assassinations...Its on them now. I'm tired of their self serving deceptions...
by the wall reference do you mean the fence? I thought that was meant for cutting down on terrorist attacks
Call it what you want, eric. With the wall in place only an airforce could strike a blow. guess who has an airforce and who doesn't...:eek6:
freako104 said:
Israel has an airforce? I knew they had a military but I didnt know they had an air force.

A farily potent one at that. Supplied largely by the US, Israel has a rather large force of tactical/strike fighters and bombers.
Squiggy said:
Look...There was a workable and agrred to peace plan on the table and israel chose to subvert it by assassinating Hamas leaders after they had agreed not to target them. They followed up with their own version of the berlin wall and more assassinations...Its on them now. I'm tired of their self serving deceptions...

Squiggy, you really suprise me at your total lack of acknowlegment that the Palestinians have been conducting relentless suicide bombings on innocent Isrealis for the past three years. Palestinians do not want peace. They have been brain washed by these extremists to believe that strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up people in the name of religion is a good thing. I lost all respect for the Palestinians a couple of years ago when they took a picture of a two year old dressed in military garb with a (fake?) bomb belt on. You tell me who the barbarians are.
RDX said:
A farily potent one at that. Supplied largely by the US, Israel has a rather large force of tactical/strike fighters and bombers.

I had thought they jsut used our Air Force. I dont know how "cool" it was of us Gonz.

:rolleyes: Alex the same can be said about Israelis
Hamas Urges Muslims to Hit Back if US Attacks Iraq
By Nidal al-Mughrabi
(Reuters) - February 7 2003 18:01

GAZA (Reuters) - The founder of the militant Palestinian group Hamas urged Muslims on Friday to attack Western interests around the world if the United States launches a war on Iraq...Yassin, who brands the United States an enemy, called upon Muslims in the U.S. armed forces to disobey any order to attack Iraq....Yassin also called on Arabs and Muslims to blah, blah, blah, blah....


The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.
freako104 said:
:rolleyes: Alex the same can be said about Israelis

The same what can be said about Isrealis? They don't go around blowing up bus loads of innocent people.
there is no declared war the palastinians don't abide by the rules of war, Isreali soldiers have to shoot at cizilians, because they are combatants, a rock of the head, when shot from a sling can kill.

molatov cocktails, all the tools of urban guerilla warfare are being used, even in the days before british rule ended isrealis didn't use these terrorist tactics, except in a few unfortinate cases (king david hotel)
alex said:
Squiggy, you really suprise me at your total lack of acknowlegment that the Palestinians have been conducting relentless suicide bombings on innocent Isrealis for the past three years. Palestinians do not want peace. They have been brain washed by these extremists to believe that strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up people in the name of religion is a good thing. I lost all respect for the Palestinians a couple of years ago when they took a picture of a two year old dressed in military garb with a (fake?) bomb belt on. You tell me who the barbarians are.

alex, I never said I like what the palestinians are doing. The whole scenerio sucks. but Israel, at this point, seems to be the one derailing efforts at a workable peace. You should prolly consider that rolling tanks over family homes as a bit barbaric too...

Ya know,TOO...Thats exactly the mindset that has kept this thing going all these years. And don't think for a moment that they feel any differently about you...:rolleyes: