Squiggy said:Then why is it always Israel that disrupts the peace process?
Gonz said:More insidiousness? By those standards, our war on terror is terror?
freako104 said:Israel has an airforce? I knew they had a military but I didnt know they had an air force.
Squiggy said:Look...There was a workable and agrred to peace plan on the table and israel chose to subvert it by assassinating Hamas leaders after they had agreed not to target them. They followed up with their own version of the berlin wall and more assassinations...Its on them now. I'm tired of their self serving deceptions...
RDX said:A farily potent one at that. Supplied largely by the US, Israel has a rather large force of tactical/strike fighters and bombers.
freako104 said:Alex the same can be said about Israelis
alex said:Squiggy, you really suprise me at your total lack of acknowlegment that the Palestinians have been conducting relentless suicide bombings on innocent Isrealis for the past three years. Palestinians do not want peace. They have been brain washed by these extremists to believe that strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up people in the name of religion is a good thing. I lost all respect for the Palestinians a couple of years ago when they took a picture of a two year old dressed in military garb with a (fake?) bomb belt on. You tell me who the barbarians are.