Note to Israeli's

Squiggy said:
alex, I never said I like what the palestinians are doing

you may not like it Squiggs but some people read it as being pro-Palestine rather than saying both sides are at fault
...and it's said with his usual "if you don't agree with me, then you must be some sort of lemming doing everything Dubya told you because you're too stupid to see things my way" tone.
maybe but we have his conservative opponent who basically says the same thing. If you dont agree with me you are blind to the truth/liberal.
Inkara1 said:
...and it's said with his usual "if you don't agree with me, then you must be some sort of lemming doing everything Dubya told you because you're too stupid to see things my way" tone.

I think you should reread the thread, Ink. I stated my view and got assaulted with Dubya-speak. "you're either with us, or you're against us...Bring it on..." etc...Gonz didn't use kid gloves and neither did I. At the end of the night, we tipped a hat to each other and went to sleep. :shrug:
...except it's the same tone you always seem to take. I never said anything about Gonz one way or the other.
As long as it's not treating people like they're stupid because they don't share your views, sure. :)
Guess I would have to ask why you didn't comment on Gonz at that point...but chose to single me out as a culprit. Could it be because you agree with him but have no other argument to put forward? :D
My 2 cents on the subject:

I feel no simpathy for the bastard, he was the leader of a TERRORIST group, whose only purpose is to liberate Palestine by killing innocent civilians. Seriously, fuck him and fuck anyone who does that (including Israel as well).

A martyr??? :rofl4:, i'd rather call him a criminal.
Squiggy said:
Guess I would have to ask why you didn't comment on Gonz at that point...but chose to single me out as a culprit. Could it be because you agree with him but have no other argument to put forward? :D
The opportunity was not there as it was for you. But he is a bit less condescending. As for my position, see Luis' post above.
Luis G said:
My 2 cents on the subject:

I feel no simpathy for the bastard, he was the leader of a TERRORIST group, whose only purpose is to liberate Palestine by killing innocent civilians. Seriously, fuck him and fuck anyone who does that (including Israel as well).

A martyr??? :rofl4:, i'd rather call him a criminal.

Spot on. What's the difference between this and us trying to kill Bin Laden? There is none.
Hey, anything new on Saddam? I haven't heard a thing since the first days of him capture. Total silence.
Yeah, I find that interesting as well. Aside from a whole bunch of expose's on his "spider-hole" ala Geraldo Rivera, you can hear the crickets chirping.

Oh, well, I hope they're getting something useful out of him.
Professur said:
Hey, anything new on Saddam? I haven't heard a thing since the first days of him capture. Total silence.

One story has him singing like a bird for personal goodies (TV, DVD player, etc). Another has him spewing forth useless trash & expletives. :shrug:

binLaden? Justice? :lol: Justice ia a MOAB up the ole bung hole.
HomeLAN said:
Spot on. What's the difference between this and us trying to kill Bin Laden? There is none.

I wouldn't have a problem if he got killed.

However I do have a problem with invading a country and killing INNOCENT CIVILIANS just to get him.
Luis G said:
My 2 cents on the subject:

I feel no simpathy for the bastard, he was the leader of a TERRORIST group, whose only purpose is to liberate Palestine by killing innocent civilians. Seriously, fuck him and fuck anyone who does that (including Israel as well).

A martyr??? :rofl4:, i'd rather call him a criminal.

I agree with you, 100%

both sides have had thier bad moments, but what most people know about the whole situation is based on which station they watch.

One is biased Israel, one is biased Palastine.

and boths sides have there raving lunatics (just that palastines lunitics are their leaders, and israels lunatics kill israels GREAT leaders when a peace plan was in reach, then israel had netanyaho, who was a war hawk, and we was nose to nose with arrifat, so no peace there)

If the palastinians wants peace, they have to change their leadership , from what they have now (people who where terrosrist ie PLO, arrifat) to new younger peace wanting goverment. Not these people who stir the pot all the time because they only stay in power by making israel out to be the devil.

And to end these attackes on thier leaders, well they have a police force, arrest them for there crimes, and israel (who when taking care of business REALLY takes care of business) would not have to take these people out.
Hmmm...palestinians are terrorists and israel "takes care of business"...Someone watches very biased TV..:eh: I've been watching this thing for 40 or so years and i assure you it hasn't all come from the same source. Kinda wish some of you would just take the time to look at it from a palestinian's view. Obviously, the USA is pro Israel and the news and 'official responses' are oriented that way...:eh: